TopLinks: Race and Prejudice

American Association for Affirmative Action
This is the homepage for the American Association for Affirmative Action-a great resource.

American Civil Liberties Union
This is a site developed by the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization determined to uphold civil rights through the legal system. There are articles about legal cases and congressional issues with which the ACLU is involved and a library of articles about significant discriminatory topics. The site also includes news, congress, and court coverage of discriminatory practices in the U.S.

American Civil Rights Institute
Based in California, this civil rights organization seeks to educate the public about racial and gender injustices. The group’s site provides links to news, articles, and opportunities for involvement.

American Eugenics Archive
Although many of the ideas of the American eugenics movement, which began in the early twentieth century, have since been discredited by scientific evidence, the Dolan DNA Learning Center site shows the prejudices and stereotypes associated with the early movement.

American Friends Service Committee
This pro-affirmative action site, maintained by the American Friends Service Committee, presents affirmative action in relation to people with disabilities.

American Indian Sports Team Mascots
This site provides thorough coverage of the use of Native American mascots by national and academic sports teams. It includes a chronology of the use of the mascot-particularly the Native American mascot-in American sports, a yearly summary of the continuing debate regarding this issue, and links to additional resources on this topic.

American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association's site offers some useful resources, as well as links to articles and books. Use keywords (such as “stereotype,” or “prejudice”) in the site's search engine.

Anti-Defamation League
This site is the home page for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism, which upholds the basic principle that any discrimination based on race is illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, and inherently wrong and damaging to a democratic society.

Center for the Study of White American Culture
This site provides a variety of links to information about combating racism and building relationships across race and gender.
Through education, advocacy and links to thousands of other organizations working to promote equal opportunity, aims to serve as a central repository and trusted intermediary for information on a variety of civil and human rights issues.

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary
This is the site for the Coalition to Defend Affirmation Action By Any Means Necessary. They provide information on events and pertinent publications.

Equal Rights Advocates
Maintained by Equal Rights Advocates, a group dedicated to preserving affirmative action and the opportunities which it provides women and minorities, this site is an up-to-date resource on the state of affirmative action in California today.

Human Rights Campaign
The lobbying group Human Rights Campaign acts and an advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans. The HRC has lobbied Congress to end workplace discrimination, combat hate crimes, and increase funding in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Implicit Association Test
Do you unconsciously favor one group of people over another, even if you think you don't? This Harvard University test indicates that most people are not aware of how unconscious assumptions affect their perceptions and actions.

Media Watch
Media Watch distributes educational videos, media literacy information, and newsletters to help create more informed consumers of the mass media. An especially useful tool is the Media Watch Archive, which features substantive readings on race, sex, and violence in the media.

The NAACP is one of the oldest and most powerful civil rights organizations in the country. This site contains information about the NAACP's history, its legal and legislative successes, and a link to The Crisis, a civil rights magazine.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force site includes maps and charts, current op-ed pieces, current publications, press releases, and an examination of hate-crime laws and the First Amendment.

National Organization for Men against Sexism
The National Organization for Men against Sexism is a group for men who are pro-feminist, anti-racist, and in support of gays, dedicated to end discrimination based on class, gender, religion, and age.

PBS: Race - The Power of an Illusion
This companion Web site for the 2003 PBS documentary explores the intersection of race, science, society, and culture. The site offers timelines, transcripts, and historical context of how race affects society.

Poynter Online: Diversity
Type "diversity" into the search engine at the Poynter Organization for Media Studies for articles about cross-cultural issues in journalism. Topics include ethnic stereotyping, the language of race, and journalism in a time of social turmoil.

Psychology Today
Search for "Where Bias Begins," an article that explores the unconscious role of stereotypes and the truth about their origin. Type “race” or “stereotype” into the search engine to find even more articles relating to this topic.

Race and Ethnicity Online
This site, run by the American Political Science Association, is primarily a teaching resource, with links to many other multicultural Web sites. The site is divided into Asian-Pacific, Latino, African American and Native American resources, and conferences.

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute
Developed by the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, this site contains a collection of historical information about Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement, as well as some of King's writings, speeches, and sermons, such as the “I Have a Dream.”

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights serves “as a national clearinghouse for information in respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.” The commission's site offers an archive of its civil rights publications, press releases, and briefings on such topics as housing, voting, immigration, race relations, and employment.