Figure 13.4 Recombinant DNA

In 1973, Stanley Cohen and colleagues pioneered the field of recombinant DNA technology when they demonstrated that biologically functional recombinant bacterial plasmids can be constructed in the laboratory. Specifically, the scientists used restriction enzymes to cut two E. coli plasmids containing a resistance gene for either kanamycin or tetracycline. The plasmids were joined together using the enzyme DNA ligase, and the resulting plasmid was transformed back into E. coli. When the bacteria were plated onto media containing both kanamycin and tetracycline, approximately 1 in 10,000 cells grew, indicating that they were resistant to both antibiotics. To demonstrate that this result represented a genetic transformation and was not from a spontaneous mutation that arose during the experiment, cells that carried individual plasmids for either kanamycin or tetracycline were also plated on media containing both antibiotics. Approximately 1 in 106 cells grew on these control plates, and represented bacteria that acquired antibiotic resistance to the second antibiotic only as a result of spontaneous mutation. These important controls confirmed that the E. coli that grew on the experimental plates represented transformed cells that had taken up the biologically functional recombinant DNA plasmid.


Original Paper

Cohen, S. N., A. C. Y. Chang, H. W. Boyer and R. B. Helling. 1973. Construction of Biologically Functional Bacterial Plasmids In Vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 70: 3240–3244.



Pray, L. 2008. Recombinant DNA Technology and Transgenic Animals. Nature Education 1(1)

University of Arizona: The Biology Project: Recombinant DNA Technology Problem Set

Access Excellence: Inserting a DNA Sample into a Plasmid

Access Excellence: Cloning into a Plasmid

Kimball’s Biology Pages: Recombinant DNA and Gene Cloning

DNA Interactive: Manipulation

Biotech pioneers win Lemelson-MIT Prize

Kimball’s Biology Pages: Transgenic Plants

Kimball’s Biology Pages: Transgenic Animals

Phillips, T. 2008. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology. Nature Education 1(1)

Pray, L. 2008. Restriction Enzymes. Nature Education 1(1)