Essay Exam Advice


  1. Taking notes & practicing

    Nothing can take the place of knowing the subject well, so you can start preparing for an essay examination by taking careful notes on lectures, texts, and other assigned reading. In addition to taking careful, detailed notes, you can prepare by writing out essay answers to questions you think are likely to appear on the exam. On the day of the exam, do ten to fifteen minutes of writing just before you go into the examination to “warm up” your thinking muscles.

  2. Analyzing essay questions

    Before you begin writing, read the question carefully several times and analyze what it asks you to do. Most essay questions contain content terms (which define the scope and limits of the topic) and strategy terms (which describe your task in writing the paper).

    These terms will tell you what logical strategy to use and often set the form your answer takes. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor to clarify terms you’re unsure of.

  3. Thinking through your answer

    You may be tempted to begin writing an essay examination at once. Time is precious – but so, too, are organizing and planning. So spend some time (about 10 percent of the allotted time) thinking through your answer, crafting a thesis statement, and outlining your response.

  4. Writing:

  5. Drafting

    Follow your outline as closely as you can so as not to lose time and possibly get off track. As a general rule, develop each major point into at least one paragraph, and be sure to make clear connections among your points by using transitions.

  6. Revising and editing

    Leave enough time (at least five to ten minutes) to read through your essay carefully, making sure that the thesis is clearly stated and that you answered the question. Are all the major points covered and adequately supported? Are spelling, punctuation, and syntax as correct as you can make them? Is each sentence complete? Is your handwriting legible?