Chapter 9: Thinking and Language


A Voyage of Exploration: Find Serendip
This Bryn Mawr College site offers a challenging game designed to develop your problem-solving skills.

Problem Solving
Reliable problem solving in all subjects that use mathematics for problem solving. Algebra, Physics, Chemistry—from grade school to grad school and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence
John McCarthy’s addresses a broad audience, answering basic questions concerning artificial intelligence; the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the entire community of AI researchers.

The American Association of Artificial Intelligence
Founded in 1979, the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.


Language Development
Here is a language development chart for children up to eight years of age and links to research in language development. Among the findings are those of Cornell researchers who found evidence that babies have an innate capacity to learn a language and children as young as six months of age can pair sounds with specific meaning.

Primate Use of Language
Ever wondered how animals learn languages? Check out this site to learn how it all works.