Chapter 13: Personality

The Psychoanalytic Perspective

Sigmund Freud Museum
The Sigmund Freud Museum site includes a tour of the museum collection, a photo library, and a biography. Look around this plethora of information on this significant psychiatrist.

The Jung Page
Donald Williams established this page to allow further study of and reflection on Jungian theory.

The Humanistic Perspective

Carl Rogers
A rather extensive review of Carl Rogers' personality theory can be found here. Look for the definition of the fully functioning person and a description of his therapy.

Infed: Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers is best known as the founder of client-centered or non-directive therapy.

The Trait Perspective

Which Traits Predict Job Performance?
Research on why intelligence isn’t the only predictor of job performance.

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
This 70-question test gives you detailed information on your temperament. You need answer only 20 of the questions for validity, but the more you answer, the more accurate your results will be.

Temperament: Different Drums, Different Drummers
Excerpts from Please Understand Me II are given here as well as links to more information on the four temperaments. Examples of famous people who fit in each category are provided to further explain the temperaments.

The Social-Cognitive Perspective

Albert Bandura
Read about Bandura's life as well as his contributions to psychology. His research interests are discussed and a brief description of his personality perspective is presented.

Social Learning Theory
Bandura’s theory emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.