Engaging students. Empowering educators.
Achieve is Macmillan Learning’s new online platform that offers powerful assessment tools and content for all students. Its user-friendly interface keeps students organised and integrates seamlessly with your school's LMS for an enhanced classroom experience. With Achieve, students can easily:
- Access a mobile-friendly, fully accessible e-book
- Use ready-made quizzes for better understanding
- Complete online homework or exams
- Monitor their progress with the gradebook
Proven Student Success
Achieve leverages the latest learning science in partnership with educators and students to cater to the diverse needs of all learners. Supported by a dedicated Learning Science and Insights team, Achieve is committed to empowering student success.
Achieve launched for higher ed courses
The number of instructors using Achieve
The number of students using Achieve
Purposeful usage of Achieve is effective.
Students using more of their courses’ assignments and having higher grades on those assignments, had higher exam scores. Students with higher grades on their assignments (gradebook average) could expect to be 8 points higher on exams. Students that use or engage with less than the median student in each course can expect to perform 4% to 12% lower on their exams (depending on how much less work the student did), while students that use more than the typical, perform 1.5% to 3% higher on their exams.

Moving from -1 to +1 in assignment grade equates to a 8% difference in course exam score as percent correct. The 8% difference in exam scores represents the unique contribution from assignment grade.
Based on a survey of Achieve users in Fall 2021, with over 200 instructor and over 3,000 student responses.
88% of students said Achieve was easy to use.
82% of students agreed that Achieve helped them develop, practise, and apply skills associated with their course.
80% of instructors agree that Achieve helped students improve their knowledge of the course material.
"I use it for classwork and homework, and all of its assessments resources. It’s excellent. The individual scores on each problem let me remediate classwork immediately during class. Its great!!!" - Frank Calhoun, AP Instructor
Benefits & Features
“AP classes ask a lot from teachers, and we need to focus our energy on helping students think deeply about the content, not organising that content. Achieve frees me up to think creatively by presenting the content and assessments in a comprehensible manner.” – Karl Sineath, Instructor
Content to Enhance Your Teaching
Each Achieve course comes with an e-book uniquely developed for the course it serves. These e-books include highlighting, note-taking, and search functionality and can be accessed online or downloaded for to multiple devices. Our e-books also prioritise accessibility, offering a read aloud feature, open dyslexic font, and translation into multiple languages if supported on the device.
Adaptive Quizzing for Personalised Learning
Some Achieve courses feature LearningCurve, an adaptive quizzing tool that provides personalised question sets and feedback based on each students' answers. It helps students prepare for class by reviewing the e-book and assessing their understanding of key concepts.
Targeted Feedback to Build Understanding
The Achieve STEM courses include homework assessments that target specific misconceptions or misunderstandings. These formative assessments offer real-time, answer-specific feedback to help students build understanding of complex concepts.
Resources at Your Virtual Fingertips
A robust repository of teacher and student resources is easily accessible and assignable. Your resources include the TE-book, pacing guides, handouts, graphic organisers, PD videos, and more. Your students will benefit from the flashcards, simulations, videos, and tutorials.
Goal-Setting & Reflection Surveys
Enhance your students' learning experiences with our Goal-Setting & Reflection Surveys (GRS) in Achieve. These surveys help students develop metacognitive and self-regulated learning skills, leading to improved academic performance and greater motivation.
Analytics Reveal Insights on Student Performance
Achieve’s Insights and Reporting feature provides powerful but user-friendly analytics at the individual student or whole class level. This elegant dashboard gives you and your administrators a window into student progress so lessons can be specifically tailored to students’ needs.
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