Cover: Achieve Essentials for General Chemistry Atoms First (1-Term Access), 1st Edition by Macmillan Learning

Achieve Essentials for General Chemistry Atoms First (1-Term Access)

First Edition  ©2024 Macmillan Learning Formats: Achieve


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    Macmillan Learning

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Chemistry
2 Atomic Theory
3 Quantum Theory
4 Compounds
5 Chemical Reactions
6 Thermochemistry
7 Gases
8 Periodic Trends
9 Bonding and Molecular Shape
10 Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids
11 Solutions
12 Kinetics
13 Chemical Equilibrium
14 Thermodynamics
15 Acids and Bases
16 Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions
17 Electrochemistry
18 Metals and Nonmetals
19 Coordination Chemistry
20 Nuclear Chemistry
21 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
22 Introduction to Biochemistry
Test Bank
APPENDIX Math Review

Product Updates

Practice is at the core of student success in chemistry.

Achieve Essentials for General Chemistry Atoms First is an affordable, homework-focused option that gives instructors the control and flexibility to build assignments that align with their individual course goals. Students get the practice they need with the acclaimed LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing program and a robust question library that offers a variety of question types and difficulty levels. Every question provides students with hints, answer-specific feedback, and fully worked solutions to help students focus on understanding, not just assessment.

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