Cover: Achieve Essentials for McMurry Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition (1-Term Access), 1st Edition by Macmillan Learning

Achieve Essentials for McMurry Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition (1-Term Access)

First Edition  ©2025 Macmillan Learning Formats: Achieve Essentials


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    Macmillan Learning

  • Headshot of Ryan Joseph

    Ryan Joseph

Table of Contents

1 Structure and Bonding
2 Polarity and Acids and Bases
3 Alkanes
4 Cycloalkanes
5 Stereochemistry
6 Overview of Organic Reactions
7 Alkene Structure and Reactivity 
8 Alkene Reactions and Synthesis
9 Alkynes
10 Organohalides
11 Substitution and Elimination 
12 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectrometry
13 NMR
14 Conjugated Compounds and UV-Vis
15 Benzene and Aromaticity
16 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
17 Alcohols and Phenols
18 Ethers, Epoxides, Thiols and Sulfides
19 Aldehydes and Ketones
20 Carboxylic Acids and Nitriles
21 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
22 Carbonyl Alpha Substitutions
23 Carbonyl Condensations
24 Amines and Heterocycles
25 Carbohydrates
26 Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins
27 Lipids
28 Nucleic Acids
29 Metabolic Pathways
30 Pericyclic Reactions
31 Polymers

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Practice is at the core of student success in chemistry.

Achieve Essentials for McMurry's Organic Chemistry, 10e pairs a successful and renown text that is now an Open Education Resource with an affordable, homework-focused option that gives instructors the control and flexibility to build assignments that align with their individual course goals.  

With tools like the acclaimed LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing and MolDraw drawing tool, students develop essential problem solving and critical thinking skills by visualizing and interacting with Organic Chemistry. The robust question library includes 5,000 problems with a variety of question types and difficulty levels. Every question provides students with hints, answer-specific feedback, and fully worked solutions to help students focus on understanding, not just assessment.

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