Cover: Dracula, 2nd Edition by Bram Stoker; Edited by John Paul Riquelme


Second Edition  ©2016 Bram Stoker; Edited by John Paul Riquelme Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Bram Stoker

    Bram Stoker

    Bram Stoker (1874-1912) is considered one of the great writers of his time.

  • Headshot of John Paul Riquelme

    John Paul Riquelme

Table of Contents

Part One: Dracula: The Complete Text in Cultural Context

Biographical and Historical Contexts

              The Complete Text (1897)

Part Two: Contextual Documents and Illustrations

Part Three: Dracula: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism

                A Critical History of Dracula

                Cultural Criticism and Dracula

New         Leland Monk, Undead Images, Images of the Undead: Dracula on Film

                  Psychoanalytic Criticism and Dracula

                  Dennis Foster, "The little children can be bitten": A Hunger for Dracula

Gender Criticism and Dracula

Sos Eltis, Corruption of the Blood and Degeneration of the Race: Dracula and Policing the Borders of Gender

Queer Theory and Dracula

Renee Fox, Building Castles in the Air: Female Intimacy and Generative Queerness in Dracula

Postcolonial Theory and Dracula

Gregory Castle, In Transit: The Passage to Empire in Stoker’s Dracula

Combining Critical Perspectives on Dracula

              Joseph Valente, Stoker’s Vampire and the Vicissitudes of Biopower

Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms

Product Updates

  • New critical essays representing cultural, queer, and postcolonial approaches, plus an essay that combines several perspectives
  • New illustrations and cultural documents covering topics such as the lesbian vampire and the new woman
  • Updated editorial apparatus

A new critical edition of the most famous vampire novel of all time.

This revision of the popular critical edition of Bram Stoker’s late Victorian gothic novel presents the 1897 first edition text along with critical essays that introduce students to Dracula from contemporary cultural, psychoanalytic, gender, queer, and postcolonial perspectives. An additional essay demonstrates how various critical perspectives can be combined. The text and essays are complemented by contextual documents, introductions (with bibliographies), and a glossary of critical and theoretical terms.

New to the second edition are essays that reflect cultural, queer, and postcolonial perspectives, plus an essay that combines several critical perspectives. The cultural documents section features new topics (the lesbian vampire, the new woman), and the updated editorial matter includes a selective bibliography of Dracula films of note.


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