Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook
Second Edition| ©2020 Ellen Cushman; Christina Haas; Mike Rose
This era raises fresh questions about literacy and learning in the global economy and digital age. Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook, provides a collection of readings on literacy with a range of perspectives on these definitions and controversies. This new collection offers a framework to...
This era raises fresh questions about literacy and learning in the global economy and digital age. Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook, provides a collection of readings on literacy with a range of perspectives on these definitions and controversies. This new collection offers a framework to assist in understanding literacy as a more complex and layered phenomenon than disciplinary categories alone can convey. Though no single volume can do justice to the bountiful scholarship on literacy, Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook, includes both traditional studies that have had an influence on the field and studies that rely on newer lines of inquiry. It is a collection representative of diverse perspectives and research methodologies that, taken together, offer a rich understanding of how literacy works.
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This era raises fresh questions about literacy and learning in the global economy and digital age. Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook, provides a collection of readings on literacy with a range of perspectives on these definitions and controversies. This new collection offers a framework to assist in understanding literacy as a more complex and layered phenomenon than disciplinary categories alone can convey. Though no single volume can do justice to the bountiful scholarship on literacy, Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook, includes both traditional studies that have had an influence on the field and studies that rely on newer lines of inquiry. It is a collection representative of diverse perspectives and research methodologies that, taken together, offer a rich understanding of how literacy works.
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Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook
Second Edition| ©2020
Ellen Cushman; Christina Haas; Mike Rose
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Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook
Second Edition| 2020
Ellen Cushman; Christina Haas; Mike Rose
Table of Contents
Gateway 1. What are Literacies?
1 Scribner and Cole (1981). The Practice of Literacies. In The psychology of literacy (pp. 234-42; 250-51). Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP.
2 Hayes, J. R. (2012). Modeling and remodeling writing. Written communication, 29(3), 369-388.
3 Cavallo, Guglielmo, Roger Chartier, and Lydia G. Cochrane. A History of Reading in the West. Univ of Massachusetts Press, 1999.
4 Boone, Elizabeth Hill, and Walter Mignolo. Writing without words: Alternative literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Duke University Press, 1994.
5 Cushman, E. (2011). The Cherokee syllabary: A writing system in its own right. Written Communication, 28, 255-281. Doi: 10.1177/0741088311410172.
6 Woods, Christopher E. Visible Speech. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010. Table only. 1 pg
Gateway 2. Where are Literacies?
7 Heath, S. B. (1983). Literate traditions in Trackton. In Ways with words: Language, life, and work in communities and classrooms (pp.190-211). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP.
8 Witte, S. (1992). Context, text, intertext: Toward a constructivist semiotic of writing. Written Communication, 9, 237-308.
9 Fishman, A. (1991). Because this is who we are: Writing in the Amish community. In D. Barton & R. Invanic (Eds.), Writing in the Community (pp.14-37). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
10 Jones Royster, Jacqueline. Part 2 A Historical View from Chapter 5 From this Fertile Ground. Traces of a Stream. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh UP, 2000.
11 Moje, E. B., Ciechanowski, K. M., Kramer, K., Ellis, L., Carrillo, R., & Collazo, T. (2004). Working toward third space in content area literacy: An examination of everyday funds of knowledge and discourse. Reading Research Quarterly, 39(1), 38-70.
12 Jiménez, R. T., David, S., Fagan, K., Risko, V. J., Pacheco, M., Pray, L., & Gonzales, M. (2015). Using translation to drive conceptual development for students becoming literate in English as an additional language. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(3), 248-271.
13 Canagarajah, A. S. (2013). Negotiating Trans lingual Literacies: An Enactment. Research in the Teaching of English, 48(1), 40-67.
Gateway 3. What are the Tools of Literacies?
14 Haas, C. (1996). The technology question. In Writing Technologies: Studies in the materiality of Literacies (pp.3-23). Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
15 Wilson, A. (2000). Visuality and prisoners’ letters. In D. Barton & N. Hall (Eds.), Letter writing as a social practice (pp.179-198). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
16 Kress, G. (2003). Preface. In Literacies in the new media age (pp. 9-14). London: Routledge.
17 Hull, G. A., & Katz, M. L. (2006). Crafting an agentive self: Case studies of digital storytelling. Research in the Teaching of English, 43-81.
18 Winke, P., & Goertler, S. (2013). Did we forget someone? Students’ computer access and Literacies for CALL. Calico Journal, 25(3), 482-509.
19 Garcia, Antero, and Ernest Morrell. "City youth and the pedagogy of participatory media." Learning, Media and Technology 38.2 (2013): 123-127.
Gateway 4. How are Literacies Learned and Taught?
20 Brandt, D. (1998). Sponsors of Literacies. In E. Cushman, E.R. Kintgen, B.M. Kroll, & M. Rose (Eds.), Literacies: A critical sourcebook (pp.555-571). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins Press
21 Grande, S. M. A. (2000). American Indian geographies of identity and power: At the crossroads of Indigena and Mestizaje. Harvard Educational Review, 70(4), 467-499.
22 Shanahan, Timothy, & Shanahan, Cynthia. (2012). What Is Disciplinary Literacy and Why Does It Matter? Topics in Language Disorders, 32(1), 7-18.
23 Dyson, A. H. (2018). A Sense of Belonging: Writing (Righting) Inclusion and Equity in a Childs Transition to School. Research in the Teaching of English, 52(3), 236-261.
24 Juchniewicz, M. M. (2012). Visible voices: Literacies identity and the invisible homeless. Journal of Adult & Adolescent Literacies, 55(6), 505-515.
25 Li, G. Understanding English Language Learners Literacies from a Cultural Lens: An Asian Perspective. International Handbook of Research on Childrens Literacies, Learning, and Culture, 139-154.
Gateway 5. How are Literacies Legislated?
26 Arnove, R. F., & Graff, H. J. (1987). National literacy campaigns: Historical and comparative lessons. The Phi Delta Kappan, 69(3), 202-206.
27 LeVine, R., LeVine, S., & Schnell, B. (2001). "Improve the women": Mass schooling, female Literacies, and worldwide social change. Harvard Educational Review, 71, 1-51.
28 Gilmore, Perry and Leisy Wyman. (2013) An Ethnographic Long Look: Language and Literacies Over Time and Space in Alaska Native Communities. Kathy Hall, Teresa Cremin, Barbara Comber, and Luis C. Moll, (Eds). (pps. 121-138). John Wiley & Sons: London, UK.
29 Gutierrez, K. D., Baquedano-Lopez, P., & Asato, J. (2010). "English for the children": The new Literacies of the old world order, language policy and educational reform. Bilingual Research Journal, 24(1-2), 87-112.
30 Willis, A. I. (2009). EduPolitical Research: Reading Between the Lines. Educational Researcher, 38(7), 528-536. doi: 10.3102/0013189X09347584.
31 Haddix, M. (2009). Black boys can write: Challenging dominant framings of African American adolescent males in Literacies research. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacies, 53(4), 341-343.
Gateway 6. How are and Where are Literacies Contested?
32 Freire, P. (1970). The adult Literacies process as cultural action for freedom and education and conscientizacao. In E. Cushman, E.R. Kintgen, B.M. Kroll, & M. Rose (Eds.), Literacies: A critical sourcebook (pp.616-628). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins Press.
33 Street, Brian (2011). "Introduction: Ethnographic Perspectives on Literacies." Literacies and Development: Ethnographic Perspectives. London, UK: Taylor and Francis. 1-17.Smitherman, G. (1986).
34 Smitherman, G. "How I got ovah": African world view and afro-american oral tradition. In Talkin and testifyin: The language of black America (pp. 73-100). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
35 Luke, A. (2000). Critical Literacies in Australia: A matter of context and standpoint. Journal of adolescent & adult Literacies, 448-461.
36 Rose, Mike. (2003). Words in action: Rethinking workplace literacy. RTE 38, 125-28.
37 Lee, Carol. (2014) The Multi-Dimensional Demands of Reading in the Disciplines. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacies. 58(1): 9-15.
38 Blackburn, M. (2003). Exploring Literacies Performances and Power Dynamics at the Loft:" Queer Youth Reading the World and the Word". Research in the Teaching of English, 37(4), 467-490.
39 Myers, S. V. (2014). "They didnt tell me anything": community Literacies and resistance in rural México. In Literacies and migration across the US-Mexico border (pp. 88-111). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook
Second Edition| 2020
Ellen Cushman; Christina Haas; Mike Rose
Ellen Cushman
Ellen Cushman is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion and Dean’s Professor of Civic Sustainability in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. She served as co-editor with Mary Juzwik of Research in the Teaching of English (2012-2017) and published two books on literacy studies in an inner city community (The Struggle and The Tools, SUNY 1998) and the Cherokee Nation (The Cherokee Syllabary, University of Oklahoma Press, 2012) . She received her PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Mike Rose
Christina Haas
Christina Haas is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She received her PhD from Carnegie Mellon University and previously held faculty positions at Penn State University and Kent State University. She currently lives outside Livingston, Montana.
Literacies: A Critical Sourcebook
Second Edition| 2020
Ellen Cushman; Christina Haas; Mike Rose
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