Cover: Quicksand, 1st Edition by Nella Larsen


First Edition  ©2017 Nella Larsen Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Nella Larsen

    Nella Larsen

Table of Contents


Chronology: The Life of Nella Larsen

An Introduction to Quicksand

Nella Larsen, Quicksand

Suggestions for Further Reading and Research

Glossary of Literary Terms

About the Editor

Product Updates

Assign Quicksand with LaunchPad Solo for Literature — the online,
interactive, guide to close reading.  
To get the most out of Quicksand, assign it with LaunchPad Solo for Literature, which can be packaged at a significant discount. With easy-to- use and easy-to assign modules, reading comprehension quizzes, and engaging author videos and audio recordings, LaunchPad Solo for Literature guides students through three common assignment types: responding to a reading, drawing connections between two or more texts, and instructor-led collaborative close reading. Get all of our great resources and activities in one fully customizable space online; then use our tools with your own
content. For more information, please contact your Macmillan Representative.

An affordable edition of a classic African American novel, designed for teaching and learning.

One of the most important novels of the Harlem Renaissance, Nella Larsen’s semi-autobiographical Quicksand follows a mixed-race woman’s travels as she seeks fulfillment in a racially and sexually treacherous world. This affordable student edition reprints and lightly annotates the  text of the 1928 first edition, which is accompanied by a chronology of the life of the author, an illustrated introduction to the work, an annotated bibliography for further reading, and a concise glossary of literary terms.
 This Bedford College Edition of Quicksand is available in print or as a Bedford e-Book to Go and can be packaged with other Bedford/St. Martin’s titles, in particular at a significant discount with The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, edited by Susan Belasco and Linck Johnson.



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