Cover: Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, 12th Edition by Paula Rothenberg; Christina Hsu Accomando

Race, Class, and Gender in the United States

Twelfth Edition  ©2024 Paula Rothenberg; Christina Hsu Accomando Formats: Achieve Essentials, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paula S. Rothenberg

    Paula S. Rothenberg

    Paula S. Rothenberg was a Senior Fellow at The Murphy Institute, City University of New York and Professor at William Patterson University of New Jersey. From 1989 to 2006 she served as Director of The New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum, and Teaching. She was the author of several books including the autobiographical Invisible Privilege: A Memoir about Race, Class, and Gender. With Worth Publishers she has authored four titles--the best-selling Race, Class, and Gender; White Privilege; Beyond Borders; and Whats the Problem? Her articles and essays appear in journals and anthologies across the disciplines and have been widely reprinted. Her work was instrumental in the creation of women’s studies and multicultural studies as academic disciplines.

  • Headshot of Christina Hsu Accomando

    Christina Hsu Accomando

    Christina Hsu Accomando is a professor of English and Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. She teaches multiethnic U.S. literature, ethnic studies, women’s studies, and multicultural queer studies. Drawing upon critical race studies and women of color feminism, her scholarship focuses on the law and literature of U.S. slavery and resistance, particularly the work of Harriet Jacobs and Sojourner Truth, as well as contemporary issues of race, gender, and U.S. law. She is the author of “The Regulations of Robbers”: Legal Fictions of Slavery and Resistance, and her essays have appeared in Still Seeking an Attitude: Critical Reflections on the Work of June Jordan and the Norton Critical Edition of Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. She blogs with Kristin J. Anderson for Psychology Today, and her work has also been published in MELUS, African American Review, Feminism & Psychology, and The Antioch Review. In addition, Accomando co-edited and wrote the introduction for the expanded second edition of Tim’m West’s RED DIRT REVIVAL: a poetic memoir in 6 breaths.

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Social Construction of Difference: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality

1. What Race Isn’t: Teaching About Racism by Aurora Levins Morales
2. Racial Formation by Michael Omi and Howard Winant
3. Derailing Rebellion: Inventing White Privilege by Pem Davidson Buck
4. How Jews Became White Folks, and What That Says about Race in America by Karen Brodkin
5. “Night to His Day”: The Social Construction of Gender by Judith Lorber
6. Flipping the Script: Black Manhood and the Proactive Process of Becoming by Tim’m T. West
7. Transgender People and “Biological Sex” Myths by Julia Serano - NEW
8. Debunking the Pathology of Poverty by Susan Greenbaum
9. Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History by Douglas C. Baynton
10. Domination and Subordination by Jean Baker Miller

Part II: Understanding Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism, Ableism, Transphobia, and Class Privilege

1. Why Intersectionality Can’t Wait by Kimberlé Crenshaw
2. Los Intersticios: Recasting Moving Selves by Evelyn Alsultany
3. Defining Racism: “Can We Talk?” by Beverly Daniel Tatum
4. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
5. Color-Blind Racism in Pandemic Times by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva - NEW
6. Beyond Hate: Strategic Racism by Ian Haney Lopez
7. *NEW! *The Politicization of Trans Identities: Dog Whistling and Virtue Signaling by Loren Canon -
8. Neither Black nor White by Angelo Ancheta
9. *NEW! *The Sexual Stereotypes that Sparked a Murderer’s Rampage in Atlanta keep Asian Women in Danger Today by Sung Yeon Choimorrow
10. NEW! Understanding the Policing of Black Disabled Bodies by Vilissa Thompson
11. The Case of Sharon Kowalski and Karen Thompson: Ableism, Heterosexism, and Sexism by Joan L. Griscom
12. Homophobia as a Weapon of Sexism by Suzanne Pharr
13. Class in America by Gregory Mantsios
14. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
15. My Class Didn’t Trump My Race: Using Oppression to Face Privilege

Part III: Citizenship and Immigration: Constructing Nationality, Borders, and Belonging

1. *NEW! *Immigration by Erika Lee
2. Racial Restrictions in the Law of Citizenship by Ian Haney Lopez
3. America’s Love-Hate Relationship with Immigrants by Angelica Quintero
4. Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal by Aviva Chomsky
5. There Are Deep Ties Between Nativism and Anti-Semitism by Jaclyn Granick and Britt Tevis
6. How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? by Moustafa Bayoumi
7. Cookies by Bao Phi
8. Second attempt Crossing by Javier Zamora
9. Digging into the Messy History of “Latinx” Helped Me Embrace My Complex Identity by John Paul Brammer -NEW
10. The Myth of the Model Minority by Noy Thrupkaew

Part IV: Discrimination in Everyday Life

1. Myths About Physical Racial Differences Were Used to Justify Slavery — and Are Still Believed by Doctors Today by Linda Villarosa - NEW
2.“How Can I Be Unarmed When My Blackness Is the Weapon that You Fear?” by Carol Anderson - NEW
3. The Ghosts of Stonewall: Policing Gender, Policing Sex by Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
4. Healing the Trauma of Post 9/11 Racism One Story (and Melody) at a Time by Sonny Singh
5. Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, and Health by Samantha Artiga and Petry Ubri
6. “They Treat Me Like a Criminal, but They Are the Criminals” by Laura Gottesdiener, Malav Kanuga, and Cinthiya Santos-Briones
7. Why Black Women’s Experiences of #MeToo Are Different
8. I Am a Trans Man. I Had an Abortion. Reproductive Rights Is Everyone’s Fight by Cazembe Murphy Jackson - NEW
9. First Nations, Queer and Education by Raven E. Heavy Runner
10. *NEW! *Body Encounters Barrier, or Stairs (Not a Metaphor) by Tara Hardy
11. *NEW! *Environmental Racism Is Poisoning America’s Waters by Natalia Marques

Part V: The Economics of Race, Class, and Gender

1. Imagine a Country by Holly Sklar
2. A Question of Class by Dorothy Allison
3. Why America’s Schools Have a Money Problem by NPR
4. *NEW!* How Can We Close Our Racial Wealth Gap? by Jamie Smith Hopkins
5. Ending the Debt Trap: Strategies to Stop the Abuse of Court-Imposed Fines and Fees by Alexandra Bastien
6. Domestic Workers Bill of Rights: A Feminist Approach for a New Economy by Ai-Jen Poo
7. NEW! A Revolution Led by Sex Workers by Chanelle Gallant
8. *NEW!* Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez
9. *NEW!* Surveilling Amazon’s Warehouse Workers: Racism, Retaliation, and Worker Resistance amid the Pandemic by Jake Alimahomed Wilson and Ellen Reese

Part VI: Living Knowledge and Testimony

1. La Güera by Cherríe Moraga
2. *NEW! *Stolen From Our bodies by Qwo-Li Driskill
3. *NEW! *Čhaŋkpé Ópi Owíčhakte Wičhúŋkiksuyapi: We Remember the Wounded Knee Massacre by Frank Waln
4. Lying to Children about the California Missions and the Indians by Deborah A. Miranda
5. Then Came the War by Yuri Kochiyama
6. “You Are in the Dark, in the Car…” by Claudia Rankine
7. Male-on-Male Rape by Michael Scarce
8. He Defies You Still: The Memoirs of a Sissy by Tommi Avicolli Mecca
9. My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK by Kiese Laymon
10. The Unbearable (In)Visibility of Being Trans by Chase Strangio
11. *NEW!* The Dehumanization of Nonbinary Life by Alok Vaid-Menon
12. *NEW!* Coming Out Sick by Aurora Levins Morales

Part VII: How It Happens: Legal Constructions of Power and Privilege

1. An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes and Slaves (South Carolina, 1712)
2. The Petitions of the Africans, Living in Boston (1773)
3. United States Constitution: Slavery Provisions (1787)
4. *NEW!* Marshall Trilogy (1823. 1831, 1832)
5.An Act to Prevent All Persons from Teaching Slaves to Read or Write, the Use of Figures Excepted (North Carolina, 1830)
6. Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
7. People v. Hall (1854)
8. Dredd Scott v. Sandford (1857)
9. The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
10. The United States Constitution: Thirteenth (1865), Fourteenth (1868) and Fifteenth (1870) Amendments
11. South Carolina Black Codes (1865)
12. Bradwell v. Illinois (1873)
13. The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
14. Elk v. Wilkins (1884)
15. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
16. The Equal Rights Amendment (Proposed 1923)
17. U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923)
18. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
19. Roe v. Wade (1973)
20. McCleskey v. Kemp (1987)
21. Shelby County v. Holder (2013)
22. Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
23. *NEW!* Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022)

Part VIII: Maintaining Race, Class, and Gender Hierarchies

1.Cowboys and Indians: Toys of Genocide, Icons of American Colonialism by Michael Yellow Bird
2. Am I Thin Enough Yet? by Sharlene Hesse-Biber
3. Institutions and Ideologies by Michael Parenti
4. *NEW!* The Crisis of American Democracy by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
5. *NEW!* Why Book Bans and Voter Suppression Go Hand in Hand by Kimberlé Crenshaw
6. *NEW!* On Critical Race Theory: Why it Matters and Why You Should Care by Victor Ray
7. *NEW!* Reproductive Rights Have Never Been Secure. Ask Black Women by Fabiola Cineas, with Dorothy Roberts
8. Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex by Angela Davis
9. *NEW!* How Schools and the Criminal Justice System Both Fail Students with Disabilities by Daja Henry and Kimberly Rapanut
10. Against “Bullying” or On Loving Queer Kids by Richard Kim
11. *NEW!* The Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia: Muslim Women’s Repression and Resistance by Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson
12. Understanding Antisemitism by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
13. When You Forget to Whistle Vivaldi by Tressie McMillan Cottom

Part IX: Social Change: Revisioning the Future and Making a Difference

1. Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference by Audre Lorde
2. Feminism: A Transformational Politic by bell hooks
3. A herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza
4. The Me Too Movement: The Rigorous Work That Still Lies Ahead by Tarana Burke
5. Reproductive Justice in the Twenty-First Century by Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger
6. Are Prisons Obsolete? Abolitionist Alternatives by Angela Davis
7. Building an Abolitionist Trans and Queer Movement with Everything We’ve Got y Morgan Bassichis, Alexander Lee, and Dean Spade
8. *NEW!* “Kicking Down the Walls Is Educating People” by CeCe McDonald
9. The Pitfalls of Ally Performance: Why Coalition Work Is More Effective Than Ally Theater by Kristin J. Anderson and Christina Hsu Accomando
10. *NEW!* Reflections on My Grandma Yuri, Malcolm X, and the Past, Present, and Future of Black-Asian Solidarity by Akemi Kochiyama
11. *NEW!* Love Poem to Ethnic Studies by Lorna Dee Cervantes
12. *NEW!*Indigenous Youth Leadership: Resistance in the Age of Pipelines by Chase Puentes and Nicolette Worrell
13. *NEW!* Creating a Neurodiverse World by Devon Price
14. *NEW!* A New Way Ordered by Love by Sonya Renee Taylor

Product Updates

Thoroughly updated table of context features 32 new readings including:

  • “Transgender People and ‘Biological Sex’ Myths” by Julia Serano
  • “Color-Blind Racism in Pandemic Times” by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
  • “The Politicization of Trans Identities” by Loren Canon
  • Excerpts from The Second by Carol Anderson
  • Excerpts from Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez
  • “Stolen from Our Bodies” by Qwo Li Driskill
  • “The Dehumanization of Nonbinary Life” by Alok Vaid-Memon
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
  • “The Crisis of American Democracy” by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
  • “Why Book Bans and Voter Suppression Go Hand in Hand” by Kimberlé Crenshaw
  • Excerpts from On Critical Race Theory by Victor Ray
  • “Creating a Neurodiverse World” by Devon Price
  • “A New Way Ordered by Love” by Sonya Renee Taylor


Spark class discussions on the important topics of our times

Race, Class, and Gender helps students understand the impacts of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, immigration status in the United States, prompting them to think critically about the interlocking systems of power and oppression that underlie these important topics, and to examine strategies for confronting and challenging injustice. The 116 writings in this range from historical documents to groundbreaking scholarship to writing by today’s leading activists and thinkers. This edition includes 30 new selections on such topics as the disparate impact of COVID-19, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, legislative attempts to ban books and prevent the teaching of critical race theory, the politicization of transgender rights, and many others.


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