Statistics: Concepts and Controversies
Tenth Edition ©2020 David S. Moore; WIlliam I Notz Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print
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David S. Moore
David S. Moore is Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, at Purdue University and was 1998 president of the American Statistical Association. He received his AB from Princeton and his PhD from Cornell, both in mathematics. He has written many research papers in statistical theory and served on the editorial boards of several major journals. Professor Moore is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has served as program director for statistics and probability at the National Science Foundation.
In recent years, Professor Moore has devoted his attention to the teaching of statistics. He was the content developer for the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting college-level telecourse Against All Odds: Inside Statistics and for the series of video modules Statistics: Decisions through Data, intended to aid the teaching of statistics in schools. He is the author of influential articles on statistics education and of several leading texts. Professor Moore has served as president of the International Association for Statistical Education and has received the Mathematical Association of America’s national award for distinguished college or university teaching of mathematics.
William I. Notz
William I. Notz is Professor of Statistics at the Ohio State University. He received his B.S. in physics from the Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University. His first academic job was as an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University. While there, he taught the introductory concepts course with Professor Moore and as a result of this experience he developed an interest in statistical education. Professor Notz is a co-author of EESEE (the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises) and co-author of Statistics: Concepts and Controversies.Professor Notz’s research interests have focused on experimental design and computer experiments. He is the author of several research papers and of a book on the design and analysis of computer experiments. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association. He has served as the editor of the journal Technometrics and as editor of the Journal of Statistics Education. He has served as the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service, as acting chair of the Department of Statistics for a year, and as an Associate Dean in the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the Ohio State University. He is a winner of the Ohio State University’s Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award.
Table of Contents
Data Set files needed to complete exercises and examples in the book can be downloaded from the open-access student companion website. Data Sets are available in Excel, CSV, Minitab, R, JMP, TI, SPSS, PC-Text, and Mac-Text formats.
To the Teacher: Statistics as a Liberal Discipline
SaplingPlus for Statistics
Prelude: Making Sense of Statistics
Statistics and You: What Lies ahead in This Book
About the Authors
PART I Producing Data
1 Where Do Data Come From?
Case Study: An Online Poll
Talking about Data: Individuals and Variables
Observational Studies
Sample Surveys
Chapter 1: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
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Check the Basics
Chapter 1 Exercises
2 Samples, Good and Bad
Case Study: Assessing Polls
How to Sample Badly
Simple Random Samples
Can You Trust a Sample?
Chapter 2: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 2 Exercises
3 What Do Samples Tell Us?
Case Study: Childhood Vaccinations
From Sample to Population
Sampling Variability
Margin of Error and All That
Confidence Statements
Sampling from Large Populations
Statistical Controversies: Should Election Polls Be Banned?
Chapter 3: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 3 Exercises
4 Sample Surveys in the Real World
Case Study: Obtaining a Sample for a Survey
How Sample Surveys Go Wrong
Sampling Errors
Nonsampling Errors
Wording Questions
How to Live with Nonsampling Errors
Sample Design in the Real World
The Challenge of Internet Surveys
Statistical Controversies: The Harris Online Poll
Probability Samples
Questions to Ask Before You Believe a Poll
Chapter 4: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 4 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
5 Experiments, Good and Bad
Case Study: Online vs. Traditional Courses
Talking about Experiments
How to Experiment Badly
Randomized Comparative Experiments
The Logic of Experimental Design
Statistical Significance
How to Live with Observational Studies
Chapter 5: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 5 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
6 Experiments in the Real World
Case Study: Caffeine Dependence
Equal Treatment for All
Double-Blind Experiments
Refusals, Nonadherers, and Dropouts
Can We Generalize?
Experimental Design in the Real World
Matched Pairs and Block Designs
Statistical Controversies: Is It or Isn’t It a Placebo?
Chapter 6: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 6 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
7 Data Ethics
Case Study: Marijuana and Driving Performance
First Principles
Institutional Review Boards
Informed Consent
Clinical Trials
Statistical Controversies: Hope for Sale?
Behavioral and Social Science Experiments
Chapter 7: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 7 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
8 Measuring
Case Study: Measuring Intelligence
Measurement Basics
Know Your Variables
Measurements, Valid and Invalid
Statistical Controversies: Six-Year Graduation Rates, High School GPA, and Standardized Tests
Measurements, Accurate and Inaccurate
Improving Reliability, Reducing Bias
Measuring Psychological and Social Factors
Chapter 8: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 8 Exercises
9 Do the Numbers Make Sense?
Case Study: Estimating Crowd Size
What Didn’t They Tell Us?
Are the Numbers Consistent with Each Other?
Are the Numbers Plausible?
Are the Numbers Too Good to Be True?
Is the Arithmetic Right?
Is There a Hidden Agenda?
Chapter 9: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 9 Exercises
Part I Review
Part I Summary
Part I Review Exercises
PART II Organizing Data
10 Graphs, Good and Bad
Case Study: Leading Causes of Death
Data Tables
Types of Variables
Pie Charts and Bar Graphs
Beware the Pictogram
Change over Time: Line Graphs
Watch those Scales!
Making Good Graphs
Chapter 10: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 10 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
11 Displaying Distributions with Graphs
Case Study: Apartment Rental Prices
Interpreting Histograms
Chapter 11: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 11 Exercises
12 Describing Distributions with Numbers
Case Study: Education and Income
Median and Quartiles
The Five-Number Summary and Boxplots
Statistical Controversies: Income Inequality
Mean and Standard Deviation
Choosing Numerical Descriptions
Chapter 12: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 12 Exercises
13 Normal Distributions
Case Study: Applying the Normal Distribution to Data
Density Curves
The Center and Variability of a Density Curve
Normal Distributions
The 68–95–99.7 Rule
Standard Scores
Percentiles of Normal Distributions*
Chapter 13: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 13 Exercises
14 Describing Relationships: Scatterplots and Correlation
Case Study: SAT Scores
Interpreting Scatterplots
Multiple Variables
Understanding Correlation
Chapter 14: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 14 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
15 Describing Relationships: Regression, Prediction, and Causation
Case Study: Housing Prices
Regression Lines
Regression Equations
Understanding Prediction
Correlation and Regression
The Question of Causation
Statistical Controversies: Gun Control
Evidence for Causation
Correlation, Prediction, and Big Data
Chapter 15: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 15 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
16 The Consumer Price Index and Government Statistics
Case Study: Who’s the Greatest Basketball Player of All Time?
Index Numbers
Fixed Market Basket Price Indexes
Using the CPI
Understanding the CPI
Statistical Controversies: Does the CPI Overstate Inflation?
The Place of Government Statistics
The Question of Social Statistics
Chapter 16: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 16 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
Part II Review
Part II Summary
Part II Review Exercises
17 Thinking about Chance
Case Study: Shared Birthdays
The Idea of Probability
The Ancient History of Chance
Myths about Chance Behavior
Personal Probabilities
Probability and Risk
Chapter 17: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 17 Exercises
18 Probability Models
Case Study: Super Bowl Probabilities
Probability Models
Probability Rules
Probability and Odds
Probability Models for Sampling
Chapter 18: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 18 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
19 Simulation
Case Study: Luck or Cheating?
Where Do Probabilities Come From?
Simulation Basics
Thinking about Independence
More Elaborate Simulations
Chapter 19: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 19 Exercises
20 The House Edge: Expected Values
Case Study: Better Betting?
Expected Values
The Law of Large Numbers
Thinking about Expected Values
Statistical Controversies: The State of Legalized Gambling
Finding Expected Values by Simulation
Chapter 20: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 20 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
Part III Review
Part III Summary
Part III Review Exercises
PART IV Inference
21 What Is a Confidence Interval?
Case Study: Social Media Use
Estimating with Confidence
Understanding Confidence Intervals
More on Confidence Intervals for a Population Proportion∗
The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean∗
Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean*
Chapter 21: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 21 Exercises
22 What Is a Test of Significance?
Case Study: Political Views
The Reasoning of Statistical Tests of Significance
Hypotheses and P-values
Statistical Significance
Calculating P-values∗
Tests for a Population Mean∗
Chapter 22: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 22 Exercises
23 Use and Abuse of Statistical Inference
Case Study: Boys and Breakfast Ceral
Using Inference Wisely
The Woes of Significance Tests
The Advantages of Confidence Intervals
Significance at the 5% Level Isn’t Magical
Statistical Controversies: Should Hypothesis Tests Be Banned?
Beware of Searching for Significance
Inference as Decision*
Chapter 23: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 23 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
24 Two-Way Tables and the Chi-Square Test∗
Case Study: Freedom of Speech and Political Beliefs
Two-Way Tables
Inference for a Two-Way Table
The Chi-Square Test
Using the Chi-Square Test
Simpson’s Paradox
Chapter 24: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 24 Exercises
Part IV Review
Part IV Summary
Part IV Review Exercises
Solutions to Now It’s Your Turn Exercises
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises
Resolving the Controversy
Table A Random digits
Table B Percentiles of the Normal distributions
Notes and Data Sources
Product Updates
- Achieve Online Homework. Achieve combines Macmillan’s robust and varied teaching and learning resources with tutorial-style assessment in an easy-to-use interface.
- Chapter Goals. Each chapter now opens with a brief list of learning goals to prepare the student for what lies ahead. At the end of each chapter, we list Chapter Achievements, which reinforce these main concepts the student has now mastered.
- Statistical Concepts and Controversies Video Series. A two-part video series that brings the title of the book to life. Concept videos: short videos focused on the core learning objective of the given section, aiding students’ understanding of the material. Controversy Videos: short 2-3 minute videos diving into the chapter’s Statistical Controversy.
- Multiple Variables. The revised GAISE report encourages introductory classes to expose students to multiple variable thinking. As a result, we decided to include a short subsection in Chapter 14 that gives students some insight into how relationships between several variables can be investigated graphically.
- Examples and exercises. Over one-third of the examples and exercises are revised to reflect current data and a variety of topics. They cover a wide range of application areas, adding interest and relevance for students. New example and exercise topics include Brexit; determining the mood of the nation; digital media use and ADHD; Android vs. iOS; psychology and the 2016 U.S. election; New Year’s Eve in Times Square; one-bedroom apartment rents; political views of college students; three-point shooting; graduation plans.
- Design. The lively and contemporary design integrates colorful figures, vibrant photos, and a dynamic layout to engage students and enhance their understanding of text material.
- Case Studies. At least half the case studies have been updated or changed to include more-relevant topics. New topics include a discussion of estimating crowd size (Chapter 9), how the number of Starbucks in a town is related to home prices (Chapter 15), use of social media (Chapter 21), and political party affil-iation and beliefs about freedom of speech (Chapter 24).
- What’s the Verdict? This new feature offers a series of questions that challenge students to start applying what they have just learned to evaluate some real issue. In some ways, students will be mimicking the sort of discussion that occurs in many of the chapter examples. These will be placed at the ends of selected chapters, but icons will appear in the body of a chapter indicating those questions that students are now equipped to answer. An ongoing “What’s the Verdict” issue might appear in several places within a given chapter and even span several different chapters. Real statistical examples involve multiple concepts in SCC, and as students learn new concepts, these can help them come to a fuller understanding of how to assess real examples.
David S. Moore
David S. Moore is Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, at Purdue University and was 1998 president of the American Statistical Association. He received his AB from Princeton and his PhD from Cornell, both in mathematics. He has written many research papers in statistical theory and served on the editorial boards of several major journals. Professor Moore is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has served as program director for statistics and probability at the National Science Foundation.
In recent years, Professor Moore has devoted his attention to the teaching of statistics. He was the content developer for the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting college-level telecourse Against All Odds: Inside Statistics and for the series of video modules Statistics: Decisions through Data, intended to aid the teaching of statistics in schools. He is the author of influential articles on statistics education and of several leading texts. Professor Moore has served as president of the International Association for Statistical Education and has received the Mathematical Association of America’s national award for distinguished college or university teaching of mathematics.
William I. Notz
William I. Notz is Professor of Statistics at the Ohio State University. He received his B.S. in physics from the Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University. His first academic job was as an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University. While there, he taught the introductory concepts course with Professor Moore and as a result of this experience he developed an interest in statistical education. Professor Notz is a co-author of EESEE (the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises) and co-author of Statistics: Concepts and Controversies.Professor Notz’s research interests have focused on experimental design and computer experiments. He is the author of several research papers and of a book on the design and analysis of computer experiments. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association. He has served as the editor of the journal Technometrics and as editor of the Journal of Statistics Education. He has served as the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service, as acting chair of the Department of Statistics for a year, and as an Associate Dean in the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the Ohio State University. He is a winner of the Ohio State University’s Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award.
Table of Contents
Data Set files needed to complete exercises and examples in the book can be downloaded from the open-access student companion website. Data Sets are available in Excel, CSV, Minitab, R, JMP, TI, SPSS, PC-Text, and Mac-Text formats.
To the Teacher: Statistics as a Liberal Discipline
SaplingPlus for Statistics
Prelude: Making Sense of Statistics
Statistics and You: What Lies ahead in This Book
About the Authors
PART I Producing Data
1 Where Do Data Come From?
Case Study: An Online Poll
Talking about Data: Individuals and Variables
Observational Studies
Sample Surveys
Chapter 1: Statistics in Summary
Link It
Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 1 Exercises
2 Samples, Good and Bad
Case Study: Assessing Polls
How to Sample Badly
Simple Random Samples
Can You Trust a Sample?
Chapter 2: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 2 Exercises
3 What Do Samples Tell Us?
Case Study: Childhood Vaccinations
From Sample to Population
Sampling Variability
Margin of Error and All That
Confidence Statements
Sampling from Large Populations
Statistical Controversies: Should Election Polls Be Banned?
Chapter 3: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 3 Exercises
4 Sample Surveys in the Real World
Case Study: Obtaining a Sample for a Survey
How Sample Surveys Go Wrong
Sampling Errors
Nonsampling Errors
Wording Questions
How to Live with Nonsampling Errors
Sample Design in the Real World
The Challenge of Internet Surveys
Statistical Controversies: The Harris Online Poll
Probability Samples
Questions to Ask Before You Believe a Poll
Chapter 4: Statistics in Summary
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Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 4 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
5 Experiments, Good and Bad
Case Study: Online vs. Traditional Courses
Talking about Experiments
How to Experiment Badly
Randomized Comparative Experiments
The Logic of Experimental Design
Statistical Significance
How to Live with Observational Studies
Chapter 5: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 5 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
6 Experiments in the Real World
Case Study: Caffeine Dependence
Equal Treatment for All
Double-Blind Experiments
Refusals, Nonadherers, and Dropouts
Can We Generalize?
Experimental Design in the Real World
Matched Pairs and Block Designs
Statistical Controversies: Is It or Isn’t It a Placebo?
Chapter 6: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 6 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
7 Data Ethics
Case Study: Marijuana and Driving Performance
First Principles
Institutional Review Boards
Informed Consent
Clinical Trials
Statistical Controversies: Hope for Sale?
Behavioral and Social Science Experiments
Chapter 7: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 7 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
8 Measuring
Case Study: Measuring Intelligence
Measurement Basics
Know Your Variables
Measurements, Valid and Invalid
Statistical Controversies: Six-Year Graduation Rates, High School GPA, and Standardized Tests
Measurements, Accurate and Inaccurate
Improving Reliability, Reducing Bias
Measuring Psychological and Social Factors
Chapter 8: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
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Check the Basics
Chapter 8 Exercises
9 Do the Numbers Make Sense?
Case Study: Estimating Crowd Size
What Didn’t They Tell Us?
Are the Numbers Consistent with Each Other?
Are the Numbers Plausible?
Are the Numbers Too Good to Be True?
Is the Arithmetic Right?
Is There a Hidden Agenda?
Chapter 9: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 9 Exercises
Part I Review
Part I Summary
Part I Review Exercises
PART II Organizing Data
10 Graphs, Good and Bad
Case Study: Leading Causes of Death
Data Tables
Types of Variables
Pie Charts and Bar Graphs
Beware the Pictogram
Change over Time: Line Graphs
Watch those Scales!
Making Good Graphs
Chapter 10: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 10 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
11 Displaying Distributions with Graphs
Case Study: Apartment Rental Prices
Interpreting Histograms
Chapter 11: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 11 Exercises
12 Describing Distributions with Numbers
Case Study: Education and Income
Median and Quartiles
The Five-Number Summary and Boxplots
Statistical Controversies: Income Inequality
Mean and Standard Deviation
Choosing Numerical Descriptions
Chapter 12: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 12 Exercises
13 Normal Distributions
Case Study: Applying the Normal Distribution to Data
Density Curves
The Center and Variability of a Density Curve
Normal Distributions
The 68–95–99.7 Rule
Standard Scores
Percentiles of Normal Distributions*
Chapter 13: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 13 Exercises
14 Describing Relationships: Scatterplots and Correlation
Case Study: SAT Scores
Interpreting Scatterplots
Multiple Variables
Understanding Correlation
Chapter 14: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 14 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
15 Describing Relationships: Regression, Prediction, and Causation
Case Study: Housing Prices
Regression Lines
Regression Equations
Understanding Prediction
Correlation and Regression
The Question of Causation
Statistical Controversies: Gun Control
Evidence for Causation
Correlation, Prediction, and Big Data
Chapter 15: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 15 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
16 The Consumer Price Index and Government Statistics
Case Study: Who’s the Greatest Basketball Player of All Time?
Index Numbers
Fixed Market Basket Price Indexes
Using the CPI
Understanding the CPI
Statistical Controversies: Does the CPI Overstate Inflation?
The Place of Government Statistics
The Question of Social Statistics
Chapter 16: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 16 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
Part II Review
Part II Summary
Part II Review Exercises
17 Thinking about Chance
Case Study: Shared Birthdays
The Idea of Probability
The Ancient History of Chance
Myths about Chance Behavior
Personal Probabilities
Probability and Risk
Chapter 17: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 17 Exercises
18 Probability Models
Case Study: Super Bowl Probabilities
Probability Models
Probability Rules
Probability and Odds
Probability Models for Sampling
Chapter 18: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 18 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
19 Simulation
Case Study: Luck or Cheating?
Where Do Probabilities Come From?
Simulation Basics
Thinking about Independence
More Elaborate Simulations
Chapter 19: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 19 Exercises
20 The House Edge: Expected Values
Case Study: Better Betting?
Expected Values
The Law of Large Numbers
Thinking about Expected Values
Statistical Controversies: The State of Legalized Gambling
Finding Expected Values by Simulation
Chapter 20: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 20 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
Part III Review
Part III Summary
Part III Review Exercises
PART IV Inference
21 What Is a Confidence Interval?
Case Study: Social Media Use
Estimating with Confidence
Understanding Confidence Intervals
More on Confidence Intervals for a Population Proportion∗
The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean∗
Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean*
Chapter 21: Statistics in Summary
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Check the Basics
Chapter 21 Exercises
22 What Is a Test of Significance?
Case Study: Political Views
The Reasoning of Statistical Tests of Significance
Hypotheses and P-values
Statistical Significance
Calculating P-values∗
Tests for a Population Mean∗
Chapter 22: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
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Check the Basics
Chapter 22 Exercises
23 Use and Abuse of Statistical Inference
Case Study: Boys and Breakfast Ceral
Using Inference Wisely
The Woes of Significance Tests
The Advantages of Confidence Intervals
Significance at the 5% Level Isn’t Magical
Statistical Controversies: Should Hypothesis Tests Be Banned?
Beware of Searching for Significance
Inference as Decision*
Chapter 23: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 23 Exercises
What’s the Verdict?
24 Two-Way Tables and the Chi-Square Test∗
Case Study: Freedom of Speech and Political Beliefs
Two-Way Tables
Inference for a Two-Way Table
The Chi-Square Test
Using the Chi-Square Test
Simpson’s Paradox
Chapter 24: Statistics in Summary
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Case Study Evaluated
Macmillan Learning Online Resources
Check the Basics
Chapter 24 Exercises
Part IV Review
Part IV Summary
Part IV Review Exercises
Solutions to Now It’s Your Turn Exercises
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises
Resolving the Controversy
Table A Random digits
Table B Percentiles of the Normal distributions
Notes and Data Sources
Product Updates
- Achieve Online Homework. Achieve combines Macmillan’s robust and varied teaching and learning resources with tutorial-style assessment in an easy-to-use interface.
- Chapter Goals. Each chapter now opens with a brief list of learning goals to prepare the student for what lies ahead. At the end of each chapter, we list Chapter Achievements, which reinforce these main concepts the student has now mastered.
- Statistical Concepts and Controversies Video Series. A two-part video series that brings the title of the book to life. Concept videos: short videos focused on the core learning objective of the given section, aiding students’ understanding of the material. Controversy Videos: short 2-3 minute videos diving into the chapter’s Statistical Controversy.
- Multiple Variables. The revised GAISE report encourages introductory classes to expose students to multiple variable thinking. As a result, we decided to include a short subsection in Chapter 14 that gives students some insight into how relationships between several variables can be investigated graphically.
- Examples and exercises. Over one-third of the examples and exercises are revised to reflect current data and a variety of topics. They cover a wide range of application areas, adding interest and relevance for students. New example and exercise topics include Brexit; determining the mood of the nation; digital media use and ADHD; Android vs. iOS; psychology and the 2016 U.S. election; New Year’s Eve in Times Square; one-bedroom apartment rents; political views of college students; three-point shooting; graduation plans.
- Design. The lively and contemporary design integrates colorful figures, vibrant photos, and a dynamic layout to engage students and enhance their understanding of text material.
- Case Studies. At least half the case studies have been updated or changed to include more-relevant topics. New topics include a discussion of estimating crowd size (Chapter 9), how the number of Starbucks in a town is related to home prices (Chapter 15), use of social media (Chapter 21), and political party affil-iation and beliefs about freedom of speech (Chapter 24).
- What’s the Verdict? This new feature offers a series of questions that challenge students to start applying what they have just learned to evaluate some real issue. In some ways, students will be mimicking the sort of discussion that occurs in many of the chapter examples. These will be placed at the ends of selected chapters, but icons will appear in the body of a chapter indicating those questions that students are now equipped to answer. An ongoing “What’s the Verdict” issue might appear in several places within a given chapter and even span several different chapters. Real statistical examples involve multiple concepts in SCC, and as students learn new concepts, these can help them come to a fuller understanding of how to assess real examples.
Statistics as a Liberal Discipline
There are books on statistical theory, and there books on statistical methods. This is neither.
Now available with Macmillan’s online learning platform Achieve, Statistics: Concepts and Controversies (SCC) is a book on statistical ideas and statistical reasoning and on their relevance to public policy and to the human sciences from medicine to sociology. The text includes many elementary graphical and numerical techniques to give flesh to the ideas and muscle to the reasoning. Students learn to think about data by working with data. We have not, however, allowed technique to dominate concepts. The text’s intention is to teach verbally rather than algebraically, to invite discussion and even argument rather than mere computation, though some computation remains essential. The coverage is considerably broader than one might traditionally cover in a one-term course, as the table of contents reveals. In the spirit of general education, the authors have preferred breadth to detail.
Despite its informal nature, SCC is a textbook. It is organized for systematic study and has abundant exercises, many of which ask students to offer a discussion or make a judgment. Even those admirable individuals who seek pleasure in uncompelled reading should look at the exercises as well as the text. Teachers should be aware that the book is more serious than its low mathematical level suggests. The emphasis on ideas and reasoning asks more of the reader than many recipe-laden methods texts.
Achieve for Statistics: Concepts and Controversies connects the problem-solving approach and real world examples in the book to rich digital resources that foster further understanding and application of statistics. Assets in Achieve support learning before, during, and after class for students, while providing instructors with class performance analytics in an easy-to-use interface.
Success Stories
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Prof. Kiandra Johnson, Spelman College
See how the resources in Achieve help you engage students before, during, and after class.
Prof. Jennifer Duncan
Use diagnostics in Achieve for a snapshot into cognitive and non-cognitive factors that may impact your students’ preparedness.
Prof. Ryan Elsenpeter
Here’s why educators who use Achieve would recommend it to their peers.
Instructor Resources
Instructor Resources
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Test Bank for Statistics: Concepts and Controversies
David S. Moore; WIlliam I Notz | Tenth Edition | ©2020 | ISBN:9781319282134
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If you’re a verified instructor, you can request a free sample of our courseware, e-book, or print textbook to consider for use in your courses. Only registered and verified instructors can receive free print and digital samples, and they should not be sold to bookstores or book resellers. If you don't yet have an existing account with Macmillan Learning, it can take up to two business days to verify your status as an instructor. You can request a free sample from the right side of this product page by clicking on the "Request Instructor Sample" button or by contacting your rep. Learn more.
Sometimes also referred to as a spiral-bound or binder-ready textbook, loose-leaf textbooks are available to purchase. This three-hole punched, unbound version of the book costs less than a hardcover or paperback book.
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Most Achieve Essentials courses do not include our e-books and adaptive quizzing.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Achieve Read & Practice only includes our e-book and adaptive quizzing, and does not include instructor resources and assignable assessments. Read & Practice does integrate with LMS.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
We can help! Contact your representative to discuss your specific needs for your course. If our off-the-shelf course materials don’t quite hit the mark, we also offer custom solutions made to fit your needs.
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Save money with our hole-punched, loose-leaf textbook.
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This package includes Achieve and Paperback.
This package includes Achieve and Loose-Leaf.
Are you a campus bookstore looking for ordering information?
MPS Order Search Tool (MOST) is a web-based purchase order tracking program that allows customers to view and track their purchases. No registration or special codes needed! Just enter your BILL-TO ACCT # and your ZIP CODE to track orders.
Canadian Stores: Please use only the first five digits/letters in your zip code on MOST.
Visit MOST, our online ordering system for booksellers: https://tracking.mpsvirginia.com/Login.aspx
Learn more about our Bookstore programs here: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/contact-us/booksellers
Our courses currently integrate with Canvas, Blackboard (Learn and Ultra), Brightspace, D2L, and Moodle. Click on the support documentation below to find out more details about the integration with each LMS.
Integrate Macmillan courses with Blackboard
Integrate Macmillan courses with Canvas
If you’re a verified instructor, you can request a free sample of our courseware, e-book, or print textbook to consider for use in your courses. Only registered and verified instructors can receive free print and digital samples, and they should not be sold to bookstores or book resellers. If you don't yet have an existing account with Macmillan Learning, it can take up to two business days to verify your status as an instructor. You can request a free sample from the right side of this product page by clicking on the "Request Instructor Sample" button or by contacting your rep. Learn more.
Sometimes also referred to as a spiral-bound or binder-ready textbook, loose-leaf textbooks are available to purchase. This three-hole punched, unbound version of the book costs less than a hardcover or paperback book.
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Most Achieve Essentials courses do not include our e-books and adaptive quizzing.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Achieve Read & Practice only includes our e-book and adaptive quizzing, and does not include instructor resources and assignable assessments. Read & Practice does integrate with LMS.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
We can help! Contact your representative to discuss your specific needs for your course. If our off-the-shelf course materials don’t quite hit the mark, we also offer custom solutions made to fit your needs.
Statistics: Concepts and Controversies
There are books on statistical theory, and there books on statistical methods. This is neither.
Now available with Macmillan’s online learning platform Achieve, Statistics: Concepts and Controversies (SCC) is a book on statistical ideas and statistical reasoning and on their relevance to public policy and to the human sciences from medicine to sociology. The text includes many elementary graphical and numerical techniques to give flesh to the ideas and muscle to the reasoning. Students learn to think about data by working with data. We have not, however, allowed technique to dominate concepts. The text’s intention is to teach verbally rather than algebraically, to invite discussion and even argument rather than mere computation, though some computation remains essential. The coverage is considerably broader than one might traditionally cover in a one-term course, as the table of contents reveals. In the spirit of general education, the authors have preferred breadth to detail.
Despite its informal nature, SCC is a textbook. It is organized for systematic study and has abundant exercises, many of which ask students to offer a discussion or make a judgment. Even those admirable individuals who seek pleasure in uncompelled reading should look at the exercises as well as the text. Teachers should be aware that the book is more serious than its low mathematical level suggests. The emphasis on ideas and reasoning asks more of the reader than many recipe-laden methods texts.
Achieve for Statistics: Concepts and Controversies connects the problem-solving approach and real world examples in the book to rich digital resources that foster further understanding and application of statistics. Assets in Achieve support learning before, during, and after class for students, while providing instructors with class performance analytics in an easy-to-use interface.

These materials are owned by Macmillan Learning or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting Macmillan Learning's textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the Macmillan Learning Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 Macmillan Learning.
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