Cover: The Silk Road: Travel and Trade in Premodern Inner Asia, 1st Edition by Scott C. Levi

The Silk Road: Travel and Trade in Premodern Inner Asia

First Edition  ©2018 Scott C. Levi Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Scott C. Levi

    Scott C. Levi

Table of Contents

Central Question
Learning Objective
Historical Background 
Primary Sources    
Zhang Qian’s (Chang K’ién) Report to the Han Emperor Wudi, c. 125 B.C.E
Buddhist Monk Xuanzang, Records of the Western World, c. 629   
Marco Polo’s Account of His Travels to the East, c. 1298   
Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, Excerpts from “Notices on the Land Route to Cathay,” c. 1340
Anthony Jenkinson, Report to Company Shareholders on Trade of Bokhara with India, Persia, Russia and China, 1560        
Jean Chardin, Description of Making Bricks in Persia, c. 1675   
Project Questions
Additional Assignments
Additional Resources for Research  

Product Updates

This document collection illustrates the great diversity of individuals and groups involved in the Silk Road trade and the commercial tools at their disposal. Students are guided through their analysis of the primary sources with an author-provided learning objective, central question, and historical context.


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