Interactive e-Book
The interactive e-book is searchable, accessible, and downloadable--and includes Dynamic Figures and Voiceover videos, CalcClip tutorial videos and more.
Achieve is our online learning system backed by extensive development and research. Proven to increase student engagement and boost performance.
The resources in Achieve are designed to provide opportunities for students to deepen their mathematical knowledge, while instructors gaininsight into class performance and comprehension.
Watch: What is Achieve?The interactive e-book is searchable, accessible, and downloadable--and includes Dynamic Figures and Voiceover videos, CalcClip tutorial videos and more.
Homework assignments have been aligned to the OpenStax text.
The significant question library in Achieve includes built-in coaching tools—hints, detailed feedback, and fully worked solutions—to guide students toward the correct answers. Instructors can choose from our library of questions or write their own.
The Math Palette adapts to the content of the problem, bringing forward the most appropriate buttons so students focus on the math, not the formatting. Keyboard shortcuts and navigation make it easy for students to input their answers.
Targeted, error-specific feedback for select questions responds to wrong answers and pointedly addresses students’ misconceptions.
LearningCurve offers individualized question sets and feedback based on each student's correct and incorrect responses. All the questions are tied back to the e-book to encourage students to use the resources at hand.
Powered by Desmos, hands-on interactives with associated assessment allow students to explore graphical relationships and develop stronger visualization skills.
Graded Graph homework questions in Achieve are powered by Desmos. Students are asked to plot points and functions on a graph and answer associated questions.
Whiteboard-style problem-solving videos in Achieve help illustrate key concepts, and all videos are available with closed captions.
Guided Learn and Practice assignments include interactive content and instructional feedback that help students review prerequisite and new content before they come to class.
Insights and Reporting provide powerful analytics, viewable in an elegant dashboard, that offer instructors a window into student progress and facilitate lessons that are specifically tailored to students’ needs.
Easy integration and gradebook sync with iClicker classroom engagement solutions pairs perfectly with our suite of in-class active learning resources. iClicker student app access is included for free in any book-specific Achieve course!
Instructor Activity Guides provide a structured plan to help instructors foster student engagement in both face-to-face and remote learning courses. Each guide is based on a single topic and allows students to participate through questions, group work, presentations, and/or simulations.
An easy-to-use gradebook provides a clear window into performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments, to help you to give every student the support they need.
The result is a flexible, integrated suite of tools proven to be engaging for students of all levels of preparedness, paired with actionable insights that make students’ progress toward outcomes clear and measurable. Achieve is fully accessible and can be integrated with your campus LMS—including Blackboard, Canvas, D2L/Brightspace, Moodle—as well as for Inclusive Access.
Kiandra Johnson of Spelman College discusses her favorite features of Achieve.
Have one of our experts show you how Achieve works—and how it can work for you, your class, and your students.
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