Measure for Measure

Texts and Contexts

First Edition

Publication Date: May 28, 2004

Paperback ISBN: 9780312395063

Pages: 400

This edition of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure reprints the Bevington edition of the play accompanied by four sets of thematically arranged primary documents and illustrations designed to facilitate many different approaches to Shakespeare’s play and the early modern culture out of which...
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ISBN: 9780312395063
Measure for Measure



William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
(Edited by David Bevington

Cultural Contexts

1. Governance                                                                                                                                   
The King James Version of Measure for Measure
Divine Right of Kings and Absolution

     King James I, From The True Law of Free Monarchies
     King James I, From Basilikon Doron
     Barnaby Rich, From The Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungary
     Niccoló Machiavelli, From The Prince
     Hugh Latimer, From First Sermon upon the Lord’s Prayer
     George Buchanan, From A Dialogue Concerning the Due Privilege of
     Government in the Kingdom of Scotland
     Sir Walter Raleigh, From The Prince, or Maxims of State
     Richard Martin, From A Speech Delivered to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 
     in the Name of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex

     Ben Jonson, Epigram 35. To King  James
     Thomas Middleton, From The Phoenix 

2.  Marriage, Sex, and Society                                                                                                       
Marriage á la Mode
Understanding Isabella
Chastity and Eloquence
Mariana and the Play’s Resolution of Women’s Rights

     T.E., From The Law’s Resolution of Women’s Rights
     William Perkins, From Christian Economy
     Henry Swinburne, From A Treatise of Spousals
     Church of England, Of Matrimony
     A Selection of Court Cases Concerned with Sex
     Richard Day, From A Book of Christian Prayers
     Juan Luis Vives,
From Instruction of a Christian Woman
     St. Augustine, From The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount
     G. B. Geraldi Cinthio, From The Story of Epitia
     Christine de Pisan, From The Book of the City of Ladies
     Tarrant House Convent, From The Nun’s Rule
     Francis Dupuis, From The Life and Legend of the Lady Saint Clare

3.   The Underworld                                                                                                                         
Social and Moral Geography
Prostitution, Pox, and Plague

     John Stow, From The Survey of London
     Thomas Dekker, From Lantern and Candlelight
     Ben Jonson, From Epigrams
     King James I, Proclamation against Inmates
     Thomas Harman, From A Caveat for Common Cursitors
     Philip Stubbes, From Anatomy of Abuses
     Richard Lovelace, The Fair Beggar
     John Marston, From The Dutch Courtesan
     From Trial of a Procurer
     William Fennor, From The Counter’s Commonwealth
     The Prisoner’s Petition
     James Gryffon, The Song of a Constable

4. Geography and Religion                                                                                                             

     From the Geneva Bible
     Fynes Moryson, From An Itinerary
     The Catholics’ Supplication
     Christopher Muriell, From An Answer unto the Catholics’ Supplication
     From News from Rome, Venice, and Vienna
     Gábor Bethlen, Letter to the King of Bohemia
     Letter from Vienna