
The Exercise of Control

First Edition

Publication Date: February 15, 1997

Paperback ISBN: 9780716728504

Pages: 624

Albert Banduras highly anticipated examination of his vastly influential work on self-efficacy is now available. The result of over 20 years of research by this renowned psychologist, the book articulates comprehensively Banduras theory that believing one can achieve what one sets out to do results
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ISBN: 9780716728504


1. Theoretical Perspectives
    The Nature of Human Agency
    Human Agency in Triadic Reciprocal Causation
    Determinism and the Exercise of Self-Influence
    Related Views of Personal Efficacy
  2. The Nature and Structure of Self-Efficacy
    Perceived Self-Efficacy as a Generative Capability
    Active Producers versus Passive Foretellers of Performances
    The Self-Efficacy Approach to
    Personal Causation
    Multidimensionality of Self-Efficacy Belief Systems
    Self-Efficacy Causality
    Sources of Discordance Between
    Efficacy Judgment and Action
  3. Sources of Self-Efficacy
    Enactive Mastery Experience
    Vicarious Experience
    Verbal Persuasion
    Physiological and Affective States
    Integration of Efficacy Information
  4. Mediating Processes
    Cognitive Processes
    Motivational Processes
    Affective Processes
    Selection Processes
  5. Developmental Analysis of Self-Efficacy
    Origins of a Sense of Personal Agency
    Familial Sources of Self-Efficacy
    Peers and the Broadening and
    Validation of Self-Efficacy
    School as an Agency for Cultivating Self-Efficacy
    Growth of Self-Efficacy through
    Transitional Experiences of Adolescence
    Self-Efficacy Concerns of Adulthood
    Reappraisals of Self-Efficacy with Advancing Age
  6. Cognitive Functioning
    Students Cognitive Self-Efficacy
    Teachers Perceived Efficacy
    Collective School Efficacy
  7. Health Functioning
    Biological Effects of Perceived Self-Efficacy
    Perceived Self-Efficacy in Health
    Promoting Behavior
    Prognostic Judgments and Perceived Self-Efficacy
  8. Clinical Functioning
    Anxiety and Phobic Dysfunctions
    Eating Disorders
    Alcohol and Drug Abuse
  9. Athletic Functioning
    Development of Athletic Skills
    Self-Regulation of Athletic Performance
    Collective Team Efficacy
    Psychobiological Effects of Physical Exercise
  10. Organizational Functioning
    Career Development and Pursuits
    Mastery of Occupational Roles
    Self-Efficacy in Organizational
    Decision Making
    Self-Efficacy in Enactment of Occupational Roles
    Collective Organizational Efficacy
  11. Collective Efficacy
    Gauging Collective Efficacy
    Political Efficacy
    Enablement by Media Modes of Influence
    Enablement for Sociocultural Change
    Underminers of Collective Efficacy
  Name and Subject Indexes