Cover: Ecology: The Economy of Nature, 9th Edition by Rick Relyea

Ecology: The Economy of Nature

Ninth Edition  ©2021 Rick Relyea Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Rick Relyea

    Rick Relyea

    Rick Relyea is the David Darrin Senior ‘40 Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences and the director of the Darrin Freshwater Institute at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received a BS in environmental forest biology from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, an MS in wildlife management from Texas Tech University, and a PhD in ecology and evolution from the University of Michigan. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters and presented research seminars throughout the world. Rick was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh for 15 years, where he was named the Chancellor’s Distinguished Researcher and received the Tina and David Bellet Teaching Excellence Award. In 2014, he moved to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to direct The Jefferson Project, which is the most technologically advanced research endeavor to study freshwater lakes. Rick has a strong interest in high school education, including hosting high school science teachers who conduct research in his laboratory. He is co-author of Environmental Science for the AP® Course, also published by BFW publishers.

Table of Contents

About the Authors
 1   Introduction: Ecology, Evolution, and the Scientific Method
Part I: Life and the Physical Environment
 2   Climates and Biomes
3  Adaptations to Aquatic Environments
 4   Adaptations to Terrestrial Environments
 5   Adaptations to Variable Environments
Part II: Organisms
 6   Evolution and Adaptation
 7   Life Histories
 8   Reproductive Strategies
 9   Social Behaviors
Part III: Populations
  10   Population Distributions
  11   Population Growth and Regulation
  12   Population Dynamics Over Space and Time
Part IV: Species Interactions
  13   Predation and Herbivory
  14   Parasitism and Infectious Diseases
  15   Competition
  16   Mutualism
Part V: Communities and Ecosystems
  17   Community Structure
  18   Community Succession
19   Movement of Energy in Ecosystems
20   Movement of Elements in Ecosystems
Part VI: Global Ecology
  21   Landscape Ecology and Global Biodiversity
  22   Conservation of Global Biodiversity
Reading Graphs
Statistical Tables
Answers to “Analyzing Ecology” and “Graphing the Data”

Product Updates

Third Edition Updates (2020):

Achieve Online Homework

The 9th edition of Ecology: The Economy of Nature is supported in Achieve.  Achieve supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction. Macmillan’s online learning tool Achieve features intuitive design, assessment, insights, and reporting built with the direct input of students, educators, and our learning science team. Ecology: The Economy of Nature in Achieve features outstanding ecology content and provides an unrivaled learning experience.

Features of Achieve include:

  • Learning Objectives tagged to assessments within Achieve.
  • In-Class Activity Guides and answer keys to facilitate active learning 
  • Homework questions, each with hints, answer-specific feedback, and a fully worked solution.
  • LearningCurve adaptive quizzing.
  • An interactive e-book, powered by VitalSource.
  • Interactive student resources offer additional practice including Graphing the Data Activities and Working with Ecological Data boxes.

Content Updates in the Ninth Edition

  • Questions added to Ecology Today boxes require students to digest what they’ve learned and apply concepts from the chapter to the closing story. These are designed to spark classroom discussion as well.
  • Increased number of questions in Working with Ecological Data boxes require students to make calculations and draw graphs.
  • Expanded Ecological Problem Solving boxes require students to graph data and answer questions, create hypotheses of their own.
  • New figure questions -- five in each chapter -- require students to think about the figures.
  • All chapters have been updated with new studies/research, while maintaining the classical studies ecologists refer to.


Teaching ecology through an evolutionary lens with an emphasis on data.

Available for the first time with Macmillans new online learning tool, Achieve, Ecology: The Economy of Nature takes students through all of the key concepts of an ecology course. It challenges them along the way with questions that encourage critical thinking, whether about chapter concepts, quantitative tools, or figures.

Achieve for Ecology: The Economy of Nature connects the interactive features and real-world examples in the book to rich digital resources that foster further understanding and application of ecology. Assets in Achieve support learning before, during, and after class for students, while providing instructors with class performance analytics in an easy-to-use interface.

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Rick Relyea | Ninth Edition | ©2021 | ISBN:9781319374402

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