Cover: Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence, 1st Edition by Janet Belsky

Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence

First Edition  ©2018 Janet Belsky Formats: Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Janet Belsky

    Janet Belsky

    Born in New York City, Janet Belsky always wanted to be a writer but was also very interested in people. After receiving her undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania, she deferred to her more practical and people-loving side and earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago. Janet spent her thirties in New York City teaching at Lehman College, CUNY, and doing clinical work in hospitals and nursing homes. During this time, she wrote one trade book, Here Tomorrow: Making the Most of Life After 50, got married, adopted a child, and, with the publication of the first undergraduate textbook in the psychology of aging, began what turned into a lifelong developmental science textbook writing career. In 1991, Janet moved to Tennessee with her family to write and teach undergraduate courses in psychology at Middle Tennessee State University. After her husband died in 2012, Janet moved to Chicago and developed new passions: enrolling in the Master’s Program in Liberal Arts at the University of Chicago, volunteering to teach older adults. Still, she remains committed to her enduring mission—exciting readers in the marvelous human lifespan through writing Experiencing the Lifespan.

Table of Contents

Part I. The Foundation
1. The People and the Field
2. Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth
Part II. Infancy
3. Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development
4. Infancy: Emotional and Social Development
Part III. Childhood
5. Early Childhood
6. Middle Childhood
7. Settings for Development. Home , School and Community
Part IV. Adolescence
8. Physical Development
9. Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Development
Part V: Emerging into Adulthood and Final Thoughts
10. Emerging Into Adulthood
Epilogue: Final Thoughts

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Achieve Read & Practice marries Macmillan Learning’s mobile-accessible eBook with the acclaimed LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. It is an easy-to-use yet exceptionally powerful teaching and learning option that streamlines the process of increasing student engagement and understanding. instructors can assign reading simply, students can complete assignments on any device, and the cost is significantly less than that of a printed book.

With Achieve Read & Practice:

  • Instructors can arrange and assign chapters and sections from the eBook in any sequence they prefer.
  • Assignments come with LearningCurve quizzes offering individualized question sets, feedback, and eBook references that adapt to correct and incorrect answers. If students struggle with a particular topic, they are encouraged to re-read the material and answer a few short additional questions. 
  •  The Read & Practice gradebook tracks student performance individually and for the whole class, helping instructors prepare for class and one-on-one discussions.

Janet Belsky’s Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence reflects a scientist’s understanding of key research, a psychologist’s understanding of people, and a teacher’s understanding of students. This new, brief text for child and adolescent development features significant new findings, a broad-based global perspective, and enhanced media offerings. With all of this, the book itself is at just the right length and level of coverage to fit comfortably in a single-term course.

  • Culturally-attentive. In writing her text, Belsky takes a global and international approach in her integrated coverage of culture and pays special attention to the issues facing immigrants and ethnic groups. In every chapter, the Setting the Context sections offer cross-cultural perspectives on the upcoming material.
  • Applicable & Experiential. Guided by a carefully constructed pedagogical system, Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence is one of the most applied child development texts. Intervention sections illustrate practical implications of the research being discussed, while Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence boxes report on interviews the author conducted, personalizing and applying the research.
  • Accessible. With a primary goal to make human life and research come alive for all students - and a desire for students to see her joy in conveying the information in her writing, Belsky has truly built her text to reach all levels of students. Filled with stories about real people and open-ended questions at key points in the text, the narrative is designed stimulate critical, reflective, and forward-thinking in every student.
  • Latest research in Developmental Science:  Belsky includes the latest research in development such new findings on fetal brain development, autism spectrum disorders, and epigenetics.
    In addition, Hot in Developmental Science sections in each chapter showcase cutting-edge topics, from prenatal stress to preteen popularity.
  • Brief...finally. Experiencing Childhood and Adolescence is just under 400 last, an accessible, not overwhelming, research-based text written for todays students.
  • New Child Development and Nursing Career Appendices. These appendices link the content of the lifespan course to key student career areas--early childhood development and nursing--by correlating the text and its test bank to the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) preparation goals and the NCLEX (nursing) licensure exams.

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Janet Belsky | First Edition | ©2018 | ISBN:9781319145989

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