How the Other Half Lives
Second Edition| ©2011 Jacob A. Riis; Edited by David Leviatin
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Jacob Riiss famed 1890 photo-text addressed the problems of tenement housing, immigration, and urban life and work at the beginning of the Progressive era. David Leviatin edited this complete edition of How the Other Half Lives to be as faithful to Riiss original text and photography as possible. Uncropped prints of Riiss original photographs replace the faded halftones and drawings from photographs that were included in the 1890 edition. Related documents added to the second edition include a stenographic report of one of Riiss lantern-slide lectures that demonstrates Riiss melodramatic techniques and the reaction of his audience, and five drawings that reveal the subtle but important ways Riiss photographs were edited when they were reinterpreted as illustrations in the 1890 edition. The books provocative introduction now addresses Riiss ethnic and racial stereotyping and includes a map of New Yorks Lower East Side in the 1890s. A new list of illustrations and expanded chronology, questions for consideration, and selected bibliography provide additional support.
New to This Edition
“The introduction is excellent and has proven valuable in discussion sections. It supplies much needed background and context to the actual Riis book.”
-- Howard Smead, University of Maryland“The introduction is tremendously helpful to my students in setting the stage not merely with respect to Riiss biographical background and how he became a photojournalist but also in providing much-needed historical context with respect to the Progressive era.”
-- Kimber Quinney, California State University San Marcos“Leviatins introduction is among the most informative and adroit of its kind. It is unmatched in depth, insight, conceptual sophistication, and information and provides a stunning prelude to both the era and to Riiss book.”
-- Dominick Cavallo, Adelphi University
How the Other Half Lives
Second Edition| ©2011
Jacob A. Riis; Edited by David Leviatin
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How the Other Half Lives
Second Edition| 2011
Jacob A. Riis; Edited by David Leviatin
Table of Contents
Jacob A. Riis
David Leviatin
How the Other Half Lives
Second Edition| 2011
Jacob A. Riis; Edited by David Leviatin
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