Cover: Portfolio Keeping, 3rd Edition by Nedra Reynolds; Elizabeth Davis

Portfolio Keeping

Third Edition  ©2014 Nedra Reynolds; Elizabeth Davis Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Nedra Reynolds

    Nedra Reynolds

    Nedra Reynolds is Professor and Department Chair of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Rhode Island.  She is the author of Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference (Southern Illinois University Press, 2004) as well as co-author with Elizabeth Davis of Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students, (Third Edition, Bedford/St. Martin’s 2013).  She has coedited The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing (Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Editions). Her articles have appeared in Rhetoric Review, Journal of Advanced Composition, College Composition and Communication, Writing Program Administration, Pedagogy, and a number of edited collections.

  • Headshot of Elizabeth Davis

    Elizabeth Davis

    Elizabeth Davis is the Coordinator of the interdisciplinary Writing Certificate Program at the University of Georgia, where she is a faculty member in the Department of English. She teaches a variety of advanced writing courses and also facilitates the faculty Writing Fellows program. Her research focuses on writing and technology and she has written and presented on a variety of topics including the technological infrastructures for writing programs, and the rhetoric of Tumblr. As part of a Cohort VI member team of the Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research she and her colleagues at UGA are investigating assessment methods and material practices in e-portfolio pedagogy. She is co-author (with Nedra Reynolds) of Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students, Third Edition.

Table of Contents

Product Updates

Increased focus on portfolios for many contexts. The new edition covers portfolios in many contexts beyond the writing course, with a recognition that portfolios are increasingly used across the curriculum and outside the academy.

A new chapter, "Planning an Electronic Portfolio,"
specifically discusses the challenges and benefits of working with e-portfolios, with advice on creating a navigational scheme, choosing a platform, and including multimodal work.

New Time to Reflect activities encourage students to practice reflective, self-analytic writing and thinking through every step of the portfolio process.

New e-book within the Bedford e-Portfolio gives students immediate support and guidance. Instructors can easily incorporate links to the Portfolio Keeping e-book in their e-portfolio assignments.

Brief, affordable, and thorough advice on using portfolios—in print and online

Brief and inexpensive, Portfolio Keeping, Third Edition provides all the information students need to create successful portfolios either in print or online. With expanded coverage of e-portfolios, portfolios across the curriculum and outside the academy, and reflective thinking and writing, the new third edition will help students and instructors using portfolios in any situation. This book is also available as an e-book within the Bedford e-Portfolio.



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