NEW Pilot Feature: Achieve’s AI Student Tutor provides next-level support for students. Learn more by contacting your rep.
As Seen in Inside Higher Ed: Achieve’s AI Student Tutor
Students and instructors are turning to the AI Student Tutor in Achieve as a powerful learning tool. Here’s what two million student interactions reveal about the positive impact of generative AI on learning outcomes.

Available for Spring: Achieve's AI Student Tutor
Transform your students’ study sessions into engaging deep-learning experiences with Achieve's innovative open beta feature, the AI Student Tutor, now available at no extra cost this spring*.
Not an Achieve user yet? Experience the AI Student Tutor for yourself, just like your students would, and discover how it can help students overcome learning challenges. Try the AI Student Tutor below, or access a free instructor Achieve sample course in your discipline.
*Available in Achieve full courses and Achieve Essentials.
The resources in Achieve are designed to provide opportunities for students to deepen their statistical knowledge, while instructors gain insight into class performance and comprehension.
Watch: What is Achieve?Filter by:
Product Type
Business Statistics
See Business Statistics Titles -
Life Science / Biostatistics
See Life Science / Biostatistics Titles -
Statistical Literacy
See Statistical Literacy Titles -
Second Course in Statistics
See Second Course Titles -
Achieve Essentials
Achieve Full Course
Interactive E-book
The e-book offers highlighting, note-taking, offline access, and screenreader functionality.
OpenStax Alignment
Homework assignments have been aligned to the OpenStax Introductory Statistics text, and the OpenStax e-book is embedded in the Achieve course.
The significant question library in Achieve includes built-in coaching tools--hints, detailed feedback, and fully worked solutions--to guide students toward the correct answers. There’s a variety of assessment types, including those with integrated media and data sets.
Statistical Software and Data
Data sets and Video Technology Manuals are available for commonly used statistical software, including Excel, SPSS, R, TI calculators, Minitab, and many others. Achieve also includes access to Macmillan’s proprietary statistical software, CrunchIt!
LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing
LearningCurve offers individualized question sets and feedback based on each student's correct and incorrect responses. All the questions are tied to the e-book to encourage students to use the resources at hand.
Powered by R, Macmillan’s proprietary software CrunchIt! performs all of the essential functions an introductory statistics student needs.
Hands-on interactives powered by Desmos, with associated assessment, allow students to explore graphical and statistical relationships.
Animated, documentary-style, and whiteboard-style problem-solving videos in Achieve help illustrate key statistics concepts; all videos are available with closed captions. Many videos are also available with Macmillan’s interactive video assessment, which checks student understanding as they watch.
Insights and Reporting
Insights and Reporting provide powerful analytics, viewable in an elegant dashboard, that offer instructors a window into student progress and performance. To ease gradebook correlation, Achieve can also be integrated with your campus LMS.
Student Engagement with iClicker
Easy integration and gradebook sync with iClicker classroom engagement solutions pairs perfectly with our suite of in-class active learning resources.
Instructor Activity Guides
Instructor Activity Guides provide a structured plan to help instructors foster student engagement in both face-to-face and remote learning courses. Each guide is based on a single topic and allows students to participate through questions, group work, presentations, and/or simulations.
An easy-to-use gradebook provides a clear window into performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments, to help you to give every student the support they need.
The resources in Achieve are designed to provide opportunities for students to deepen their statistical knowledge, while instructors gain insight into class performance and comprehension. The result is a flexible, integrated suite of tools proven to be engaging for students of all levels of preparedness, paired with actionable insights that make students’ progress toward outcomes clear and measurable. Achieve is fully accessible and can be integrated with your campus LMS—including Blackboard, Canvas, D2L/Brightspace, Moodle—as well as for Inclusive Access.

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