Cover: Achieve Essentials for OpenStax General Chemistry (1-Term Access), 2nd Edition by Macmillan Learning

Achieve Essentials for OpenStax General Chemistry (1-Term Access)

Second Edition  ©2022 Macmillan Learning Formats: Achieve Essentials


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    Macmillan Learning

Table of Contents

Product Updates

Practice is at the core of engagement.

Macmillan’s new online learning platform, Achieve Essentials  is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for general chemistry students. The Achieve Essentials platform combines our popular assessment engine from Sapling Learning with an intuitive design and learning science research.  Achieve Essentials is an affordable, homework-focused option that gives instructors the control and flexibility to build assignments that align with their individual course goals.

Achieve Essentials includes the OpenStax, General Chemistry, 2e e-book and the acclaimed LearningCurve Adaptive quizzing program.  A pre-built course template is aligned to OpenStax as well as access to our robust problem library that includes over 7,500 problems and a variety of question types and difficulty levels.  Every question provides students with hints, answer-specific feedback, and fully worked solutions to help students focus on understanding, not just assessment.

Success Stories

Here are a few examples of how Achieve has helped instructors like you improve student preparedness, enhance their sense of belonging, and achieve course goals they set for themselves.

Prof. Kiandra Johnson, Spelman College

See how the resources in Achieve help you engage students before, during, and after class.

Prof. Jennifer Duncan

Use diagnostics in Achieve for a snapshot into cognitive and non-cognitive factors that may impact your students’ preparedness.

Prof. Ryan Elsenpeter

Here’s why educators who use Achieve would recommend it to their peers.

Achieve Essentials $39.95


Give your students access to tools they need to succeed in your course.

Retail: $39.95 Wholesale: $36.00


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