Cover: Achieve Labs for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 (1-Term Access), 2nd Edition by Macmillan Learning

Achieve Labs for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 (1-Term Access)

Second Edition  ©2022 Macmillan Learning Formats: Achieve


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    Macmillan Learning

Table of Contents

Lab 1 Lab Measurements
Lab 2 Density
Lab 3 Empirical Formula
Lab 4 Stoichiometry
Lab 5 Stoichiometry Titration
Lab 6 Enthalpy
Lab 7 Gas Laws
Lab 8  Lewis Structures and VSEPR
Lab 9  Quantum Model
Lab10  Qualitative Analysis Part 1
Lab 11 Qualitative Analysis Part 2
Lab 12 Colligative Properties
Lab 13 Chemical Kinetics
Lab 14 Beers Law
Lab 15 Chemical Equilibrium
Lab 16 Le Chateliers Principle
Lab 17 Acid-Base Titration Curves
Lab 18 Buffers
Lab 19 Solubility Product Constant
Lab 20 Electrochemistry

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