Cover: Achieve for Interactive Cell Biology (1-Term Access), 1st Edition by Smart Biology; Andrew Catalano

Achieve for Interactive Cell Biology (1-Term Access)

First Edition  ©2025 Smart Biology; Andrew Catalano Formats: Achieve


  • Headshot of Smart Biology

    Smart Biology

    Smart Biology is on a mission to change how the world understands biology. Our Animated Textbooks represent a highly visual approach to understanding biology and a long overdue alternative to the traditional textbook. We want students to not just memorize, but truly understand biology. We therefore integrate data from across the literature to create comprehensive resources consisting of high quality, accurate animations, 3D interactive structures, text, figures, LMS-quizzes, and much more, all representative of everything that we know today on a given subject. Students can now see, hear, and interact with atoms, genes, cells, evolution, and more.

  • Headshot of Andrew Catalano

    Andrew Catalano

    Andrew Catalano has always wanted to understand how life works at the molecular level. However during his undergraduate studies this effort was hindered by the lack of accurate visualizations in biology textbooks. After completing his PhD in cell and molecular biology, he pursued postdoctoral work in x-ray crystallography, aiming to gain a deeper insight into the processes that occur at the nanometer scale within cells. To his surprise, he soon discovered that the data required for accurate visualizations had long existed in the scientific literature, and the problem was therefore the gap that separated this wealth of information from what was presented in undergraduate textbooks. As chance would have it, Andrew was also a self-taught 3D animator with a visual arts background, and thus possessed the unique skillset required to bridge this divide. Departing from academia, he founded Smart Biology to embark on a mission to redefine biology education. He soon began integrating all types of data from across the literature to produce highly accurate, pedagogical, 3D biology animations for undergraduate teaching. After producing hundreds of animations covering a wide range of topics, he gained a much deeper understanding of the cellular and molecular world, and was thus able to not only show accuracy, but also the big picture and the evolutionary perspective. After more than a decade, Smart Biology has grown into a successful business, and while he is now accompanied by a great team, Andrew continues to produce animations, not just for undergraduates, but also for his own personal drive to understand how life works.

Table of Contents

Unit 1 | Foundations of Cell Biology: Molecules, Macromolecules, and Chemical Energy

Chapter 1 Entering the Fascinating World of Cells

Chapter 2 The Building Blocks of Cells: Molecules and Macromolecules

Chapter 3 A Closer Look at DNA and Proteins

Chapter 4 Lipid Membranes and Cell Compartmentalization

Chapter 5 Cells are Powered by Chemical Energy

Unit 2 | The Functional Backbone: From the Nucleolus to the Endomembrane System

Chapter 6 Ancient Ribosomes: The Nucleolus, Nucleus, and Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA)

Chapter 7 From DNA to mRNA: Transcribing the Code of Life

Chapter 8 From mRNA to Protein: Processing and Translating the Code of Life

Chapter 9 The Regulation of Protein Production

Chapter 10 Protein Trafficking through the Cytosol

Chapter 11 Protein Trafficking into the Endoplasmic Reticulum

Chapter 12 Protein Trafficking through the Endomembrane System

Unit 3 | Energy and Structure: Chloroplasts, Mitochondria, the Cytoskeleton, and the Cell Membrane

Chapter 13 Chloroplasts and Photosynthesis: Producing Fuel for Everyone

Chapter 14 Mitochondria and Aerobic Cellular Respiration: Refining the Fuel

Chapter 15 The Cytoskeleton: Shape, Strength, Roadways, and Movement

Chapter 16 The Cell Membrane: The Gatekeeper of Life

Unit 4 | The Working Cell: Cell Communication, the Cell Cycle, and Multicellularity

Chapter 17 Cell Communication, Signal Transduction, and Response

Chapter 18 Signal Transduction Pathways: Messengers and Receptors

Chapter 19 The Cell Cycle and DNA Replication

Chapter 20 Cell Cycle Regulation

Chapter 21 From Single Cell to Multicellular Organism

Product Updates

Seeing is Understanding: A Journey through Cell Biology

Interactive Cell Biology (ICB) provides a consistent, continuous learning journey with powerful 3-D animations, integrated assessment, and a guiding narrative. Students can engage with and explore cellular processes while they navigate through the details, big picture, and evolutionary perspective. Available in Achieve from Macmillan Learning and Smart Biology.

Click here to get a preview!

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