Cover: Going to the Source, Volume II: Since 1865, 5th Edition by Victoria Bissell Brown; Timothy J. Shannon

Going to the Source, Volume II: Since 1865

Fifth Edition  ©2020 Victoria Bissell Brown; Timothy J. Shannon Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Victoria Bissell Brown

    Victoria Bissell Brown

    Victoria Bissell Brown (Ph.D., University of California, San Diego) is a Professor Emeritus, Grinnell College. In addition to editing Jane Addamss autobiography, Twenty Years at Hull-House for Bedford/St. Martins, she is the author of The Education of Jane Addams and articles on Addams, on Woodrow Wilson and gender, and on female adolescents in the Progressive era. She has appeared on NPR documentaries about Chicago and on Woodrow Wilson. Brown is currently working on a social history of the American grandmother, 1920-2020

  • Headshot of Timothy J. Shannon

    Timothy J. Shannon

    Timothy J. Shannon (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is professor of history at Gettysburg College, where he teaches Early American, Native American, and British history. His books include Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier, Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America, and Indians and Colonists at the Crossroads of Empire: The Albany Congress of 1754, which received the Dixon Ryan Fox Prize from the New York State Historical Association and the Distinguished Book Award from the Society of Colonial Wars. He is also coauthor with Victoria Bissell Brown of Going to the Source: The Bedford Reader in American History. His articles have appeared in the William and Mary Quarterly, the New England Quarterly, and Ethnohistory.

Table of Contents


Introduction: Historians and Their Sources

1 Political Terrorism during Reconstruction: Congressional Hearings and Reports on the Ku Klux Klan

Using the Source: Congressional Hearings and Reports

What Can Congressional Hearings and Reports Tell Us? 0

checklist: Interrogating Congressional Hearings and Reports

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Testimony and Reports from the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States


1. Testimony of Samuel T. Poinier, Washington, D.C., June 7, 1871

2. Testimony of D. H. Chamberlain, Washington, D.C., June 10, 1871

3. Testimony of Elias Thomson, Spartanburg, South Carolina, July 7, 1871

4. Testimony of Lucy McMillan, Spartanburg, South Carolina, July 10, 1871

5. Testimony of Mervin Givens, Spartanburg, South Carolina, July 12, 1871


6. Majority Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, February 19, 1872, Submitted by Luke P. Poland

7. Minority Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, February 19, 1872, Submitted by James B. Beck

Analyzing Congressional Hearings and Reports

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

2 Picturing a Western Myth: Photography and the Blackfeet Indians

Using the Source: Photographs

What Can Photographs Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Photographs

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Photographs of the Blackfeet at Glacier National Park and on the Reservation, 1890–1930


1. "Greetings from Glacier National Park," c. 1920

2. Great Northern Railway Calendar, 1923

3. "Blackfeet and Park Golfers," c. 1930

4. "Spearfishing in Glacier National Park," date unknown

5. "Two Guns White Calf Reading," date unknown


6. "Old Ration Place," date unknown

7. "Blackfeet Performance," c. 1930

8. "Family at Sun Dance Encampment," 1908

9. "Students with Their Harvest," 1912

10. "Mad Plume Family Harvest," c. 1920

11. "Blackfeet Girl at Glacier National Park Switchboard," c. 1920

12. "Sewing Class at the Cut Bank Boarding School," 1907

Analyzing Photographs

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

3 Reading the 1894 Pullman Strike: Chicago’s Daily Papers Report the News

Using the Source: Newspaper Articles

What Can Newspaper Articles Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Newspaper Articles

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Chicago Newspaper Articles on the Pullman Strike, May 12, 1894–July 15, 1894


1. Chicago Tribune, May 12, 1894, page 1

2. Chicago Times, May 12, 1894, page 1


3. Chicago Tribune, May 15, 1894, page 8

4. Chicago Times, May 15, 1894, page 1


5. Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1894, page 8

6. Chicago Times, June 26, 1894, page 1


7. Chicago Tribune, June 28, 1894, page 1

8. Chicago Times, June 28, 1894, page 1


9. Chicago Tribune, July 1, 1894, page 1

10. Chicago Times, July 1, 1894, page 1


11. Chicago Tribune, July 7, 1894, page 1

12. Chicago Times, July 7, 1894, page 1


13. Chicago Tribune, July 15, 1894, page 1

14. Chicago Times, July 15, 1894, page 1

Analyzing Newspaper Articles

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

4 Settling into Our Memories: Three Immigrant Women’s Autobiographies

Using the Source: Autobiographies

What Can Autobiographies Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Autobiographies

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Immigrant Women’s Autobiographies

1. I Came a Stranger: The Story of a Hull-House Girl by Hilda Satt Polacheck

2. Out of the Shadow: A Russian Jewish Girlhood on the Lower East Side by Rose Cohen

3. Rosa: The Life of an Italian Immigrant as recounted by Marie Hall Ets

Analyzing Autobiographies

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

5 Selling Respectability: Advertisements in the African American Press, 1910–1913

Using the Source: Magazine Advertisements

What Can Magazine Advertisements Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Advertisements

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Advertisements from The Crisis, November 1910–March 1913


1. Philip A. Payton, Jr., Company

2. White Rose Working Girls’ Home

3. Hotel Dale


4. Bussing-Wheaton Kitchen Supplies

5. Jackson Specialty Company

6. N.Y. & N.J. Industrial Exchange

7. International Realty Corporation

8. Cottman & Cottman Shipping

9. Nyanza Drug Co. & Pharmacy

10. Blackdom, New Mexico


11. Wilberforce University

12. Daytona Educational and Industrial School for Negro Girls

13. Knoxville College

14. Provident Hospital and Training School for Colored Nurses

15. Self-Published Books on the Race Question

16. Mary White Ovington on the Race Question

17. National Negro Doll Company


18. Solomon Garrett, Tonsorial Artist

19. Madame C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company

20. The Dunbar Company: Face Powder

Analyzing Magazine Advertisements

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

6 Living under Fire: World War I Soldiers’ Diaries

Using the Source: Wartime Diaries

What Can Wartime Diaries Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Diaries

Source Analysis Table

The Source: World War I Diaries from the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Battles, September 17, 1918– November 11, 1918

1. Corporal Eugene Kennedy, Company "E," 303rd Engineers, Seventy-eighth Division, AEF

2. Captain John M. Trible, Medical Corps, Sanitary Train, Third Infantry Division, AEF

3. Sergeant Elmer F. Straub, 150th Field Artillery, Forty-second "Rainbow" Division

Analyzing Wartime Diaries

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

7 Singing of Struggle: Mexican Workers’ Folk Songs from the American Southwest

Using the Source: Folk Music

What Can Folk Music Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Song Lyrics

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Mexican Corridos, 1910–1930

1. "An Emigrant’s Farewell" (Despedida de un norteño)

2. "Advice to the Northerners" (Consejos a los norteños)

3. "The Northerners" (Los norteños)

4. "Defense of the Emigrants" (Defensa de los norteños)

5. "Ballad of Pennsylvania" (Corrido de Pensilvania)

6. "Verses of the Beet-Field Workers" ( Versos de los betabeleros)

7. "Mexicans Who Speak English" (Los Mexicanos que hablan ingles)

8. "Radios and Chicanos" (Radios y chicanos)

9. "The Ranch" (El rancho)

10. "Red Bandannas" (Los paños colorados)

Analyzing Folk Songs

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

8 Painting a New Deal: U.S. Post Office Murals from the Great Depression

Using the Source: Public Art

What Can Public Art Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Public Art

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Post Office Murals Depicting "Work" in Local Communities, 1936–1942

1. The Riveter by Ben Shahn, Bronx, New York, 1938

2. Development of the Land by Elsa Jemne, Ladysmith, Wisconsin, 1938

3. Postman in a Storm by Robert Tabor, Independence, Iowa, 1938

4. Legend of James Edward Hamilton — Barefoot Mailman by Stevan Dohanos, West Palm Beach, Florida, 1940

5. Tennessee Valley Authority by Xavier Gonzalez, Huntsville, Alabama, 1937

6. Plowshare Manufacturing by Edward Millman, Moline, Illinois, 1937

7. Sorting the Mail by Reginald Marsh, Washington, D.C., 1936

8. Mining by Michael Lenson, Mount Hope, West Virginia, 1942

9. Orange Picking by Paul Hull Julian, Fullerton, California, 1942

10. Tobacco Industry by Lee Gatch, Mullins, South Carolina, 1939

Analyzing Public Art

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

9 Challenging Wartime Internment: Supreme Court Records from Korematsu v. United States

Using the Source: Supreme Court Records

What Can Supreme Court Records Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Court Documents

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Briefs and Supreme Court Opinions in Korematsu v. United States, October Term, 1944

1. Part Three of the Brief Submitted by the Solicitor General of the United States and the Department of Justice Supporting Korematsu’s Conviction

2. Brief Submitted by Wayne M. Collins, Counsel for Appellant

3. Amicus Curiae Briefs Submitted by the American Civil Liberties Union

4. Amicus Curiae Brief Submitted by the Japanese American Citizens’ League on Behalf of Fred Korematsu

5. The Opinion of the Supreme Court, Issued December 18, 1944

6. Justice Owen J. Roberts, Dissenting from the Majority

7. Justice Frank Murphy, Dissenting from the Majority

8. Justice Robert Jackson, Dissenting from the Majority

Analyzing Supreme Court Records

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

10 The Cold War Heats Up: Presidential Recordings from the Cuban Missile Crisis

Using the Source: Presidential Tapes

What Can Presidential Tapes Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Presidential Tapes

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Presidential Tape Recordings from the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

1. Tuesday, October 16, 6:30 p.m. (Day One of the crisis)

2. Thursday, October 18, 11:10 a.m. (Day Three of the crisis)

3. Saturday, October 27, 10:00 a.m. (Day Twelve of the crisis)

4. Saturday, October 27, 4:00 p.m. (Day Twelve of the crisis)

Analyzing Presidential Tapes

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

11 Speaking of Equality: The Senate Debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Using the Source: Senate Speeches

What Can Senate Speeches Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Congressional Speeches

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Speeches from the Senate Debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1964

1. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Montana), February 17, 1964

2. Senator Richard Russell (D-Georgia), February 25, 1964

3. Senator John Stennis (D-Mississippi), March 10, 1964

4. Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minnesota), March 30, 1964

5. Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-California), March 30, 1964

6. Senator Sam Ervin (D-North Carolina), April 11, 1964

7. Senator Strom Thurmond (D-South Carolina), April 14, 1964

8. Senator James O. Eastland (D-Mississippi), April 18, 1964

9. Senator Everett Dirksen (R-Illinois), June 10, 1964

10. Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona), June 18, 1964

Analyzing Senate Speeches

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

12 Red Power in South Dakota: Oral Histories about the Occupation of Wounded Knee

Using the Source: Oral Histories

What Can Oral Histories Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Oral Histories

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Oral Histories about the Occupation of Wounded Knee

1. Interview with Asa Primeaux, June 1, 1973

2. Interview with Dick Wilson, July 17, 1973

3. Interview with Bessie Cornelius, July 17, 1973

4. Interview with Jere Brennan, July 18, 1973

5. Interview with Mike Her Many Horses, July 18, 1973

6. Interview with Lewis Bad Wound, September 24, 1974

7. Interview with Robert McBride, May 26, 1976

Analyzing Oral Histories

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

13 Drawn to Summits: Political Cartoons on President Reagan and the Arms Race

Using the Source: Political Cartoons

What Can Political Cartoons Tell Us?

checklist: Interrogating Political Cartoons

Source Analysis Table

The Source: Political Cartoons from the Reagan Era, 1981–1988

1. "He’s got to eat to have the strength to start reducing" by Jim Mazzotta, Fort Myers News Press, 1982

2. "Surely they’ll not be so stupid as to keep on coming!" by Bob Artley, Worthington Daily Globe, 1982

3. "I’m surprised at how the president dealt with the Russians . . . " by Walt Handelsman, Catonsville Times, 1983

4. "Go on, Yuri, make my day . . . " by Mike Peters, Dayton Daily News, 1984

5. "The U.S. bargaining chip! The Soviet bargaining chip, chip, chip, chip!" by Chuck Asay, Colorado Springs Sun, 1985

6. "Gentlemen, start your engines!" by Jeff MacNelly, Chicago Tribune, 1985

7. "The Soviets are a bunch of rabid, murdering . . . " by Mike Graston, Windsor Star, 1985

8. "Hey, maybe we should do this more often" by Hy Rosen, Albany Times-Union, 1985

9. Reykjavik summit destroyed by Star Wars by Jerry Fearing, St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press, 1986

10. "Little Ronnie Reagan and his imaginary friend" by Mike Keefe, Denver Post, 1987

11. Evolution by Joe Majeski, Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, 1988

Analyzing Political Cartoons

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

CAPSTONE Organizing Their Lives: Women, Work, and Family, 1950–2000

Using Multiple Sources on Women, Work, and Family, 1950–2000

What Can Multiple Source Types Tell Us?

Source Analysis Table

The Sources: Documents on Women, Work, and Family, 1950–2000

1. Meeting of Union of Auto, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW-CIO), Public debate. March 27–April 1, 1955

2. "Modern American Housewife," Letter to the editor. Ladies’ Home Journal, March 1956

3. "Women Know They Are Not Men: When Will Business Learn This Valuable Secret and Arrange Women’s Working Conditions Accordingly?" Survey report. Florida Scott-Maxwell, Ladies’ Home Journal, November 1958

4. American Women: Report of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women, Government report. October 1963

5. "Should Mothers Work?" Advice column. Dr. Benjamin Spock, Ladies’ Home Journal, January–February 1963

6. "Why Feminists Want Child Care," Position paper. National Organization for Women (N.O.W.), 1969

7. Veto of the Comprehensive Child Development Act, Presidential message. President Richard M. Nixon, December 9, 1971

8. "What’s Wrong with ‘Equal Rights’ for Women?" Political newsletter. The Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1972

9. "Parents Are People," Children’s song. Carol Hall for Free to Be You and Me, 1972

10. Ms. Magazine Cover, Illustration. Miriam Wosk, Spring 1972

11. The Second Stage, Book. Betty Friedan, 1981

12. "Should We Expect Black Women to Be Supermothers?" Magazine article. Claudia Tate, Ebony, September 1984

13. For Better or For Worse, Cartoon strip. Lynn Johnston, 1984

14. National Opinion Research Center Poll: Women, Work, and Family, Survey data. 1972–1998

Analyzing Sources on Women, Work, and Family

The Rest of the Story

To Find Out More

APPENDIX I: Avoiding Plagiarism: Acknowledging the Source

APPENDIX II: Documenting the Source


Product Updates

A new introduction impresses on students—especially non-majors—the value of studying history and working with sources. The introduction addresses broad questions (e.g., What is history? What are sources?) while giving students insight into how historians think about sources as they practice their craft.

Two new chapters—one in each volume—offer new source types and fresh topics to engage students. A new Chapter 4 in Volume 1 explores the Great Awakening through diaries, journals, and memoirs written by believers, ministers, and skeptics. A new Chapter 12 in Volume 2 introduces oral histories about the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee from residents, activists, and officials.

A revised chapter on biographies of John Brown offers a more diverse range of perspectives on a complex figure. The previous edition’s source selections in Volume 1, Chapter 11 have been replaced by four passages from more recent biographies dating from 1950 to 2006. This chapter provides an opportunity to explore the difference between primary and secondary sources.

Updated appendices provide improved guidance for working with digital sources and updated guidelines for documenting sources. Appendix 1 includes updated advice for keeping track of source materials, especially when working online. Appendix 2 offers new and updated documentation models that adhere to guidelines in the most recent Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.).

Work like a historian

Many document readers offer lots of sources, but only Going to the Source combines a rich selection of primary sources with in-depth instructions for how to use each type of source. Mirroring the chronology of the U.S. history survey, each chapter familiarizes students with a single type of source while focusing on an intriguing historical episode such as the Cherokee Removal or the 1894 Pullman Strike. Students practice working with a diverse range of source types including photographs, diaries, oral histories, speeches, advertisements, political cartoons, and more. A capstone chapter in each volume prompts students to synthesize information on a single topic from a variety of source types. The wide range of topics and sources across 28 chapters provides students with all they need to become fully engaged with America’s history.

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