Cover: Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Digital Update, 12th Edition by Anthony Griffiths; John Doebley; Catherine Peichel; David A. Wassarman

Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Digital Update

Twelfth Edition  ©2025 Anthony Griffiths; John Doebley; Catherine Peichel; David A. Wassarman Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Anthony J.F. Griffiths

    Anthony J.F. Griffiths

    Anthony Griffiths is a Professor of Botany, Emeritus, at the University of British Columbia. His research focuses on the developmental genetics of fungi, using the model fungus Neurospora crassa. He has served as President of the Genetics Society of Canada and Secretary-General of the International Genetics Federation.

  • Headshot of John Doebley

    John Doebley

    John Doebley is a Professor of Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He studies the genetics of crop domestication, using the methods of population and quantitative genetics. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2003 and served as the President of the American Genetic Association in 2005. He teaches General Genetics at the University of Wisconsin.

  • Headshot of Catherine Peichel

    Catherine Peichel

    Catherine L. Peichel is a Professor of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Bern, Switzerland. She studies the genetic, developmental and genomic mechanisms that underlie evolutionary processes using stickleback fish as a model system. Dr. Peichel was named a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in 2013 and served as President of the American Genetic Association in 2015. She teaches evolutionary biology at the University of Bern.

  • Headshot of David A. Wassarman

    David A. Wassarman

    David A. Wassarman is a Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focuses on the genetics of neurodegenerative diseases using Drosophila melanogaster. In 1997, he was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. He teaches molecular genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. The Genetics Revolution in the Life Sciences
2. Single-Gene Inheritance
3. Independent Assortment of Genes
4. Mapping Eukaryote Chromosomes by Recombination
5. Gene Interaction
6. The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses
7. DNA: Structure and Replication
8. RNA: Transcription and Processing
9. Proteins and Their Synthesis
10. Gene Isolation and Manipulation
11. Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria and Their Viruses
12. Regulation of Transcription in Eukaryotes
1. The Genetic Control of Development
14. Genomes and Genomics
15. Mutation, Repair, and Recombination
16. The Dynamic Genome: Transposable Elements
17. Large-Scale Chromosomal Changes
18. Population Genetics
19. The Inheritance of Complex Traits
20. Evolution of Genes, Traits, and Species

Product Updates

Key Content Changes Coming this Fall 2024
  • Selected figures throughout have been changed to improve accessibility.
  • Throughout the book, photos, figures, and language have been revised to be more inclusive and diverse.
    • New Figure 1-23 on Steps involved in creating and applying polygenic risk scores.
    • Box 4-1 "A Mapping Function" has been updated by deletion of the Perkins formula.
    • There is a new Figure 4-13 on Haldane's mapping function.
    • Section 4.4 is now called Assembling Genome-Wide Linkage Maps; under this, a new subsection has been added on "Big Data Analysis and Linkage Maps."
    • Section 4.6 is now called Using Linkage Maps in Conjunction with Physical Maps; the reworked section includes the addition of fine-mapping and a new Figure 4-17 on Fine-mapping of the cystic fibrosis gene
    • Section 10.4: Engineering Genomes, the CRISPR genome engineering section has been updated and the title changed to “CRISPR genome editing.”
    • New subsections have been added on “CRISPR base editing and transcription regulation,” “Controlling gene expression by RNAi knockout,” and “CRISPR and RNAi are versatile tools for reverse genetics.”
    • New Figure 10.30 on “CRISPR base editing” and Figure 10.31 on “CRISPR transcription modeling.”
    • Three questions have been added on the three new figures.
    • Section 14.1: The Genomics Revolution, there is a new Figure 14-3 showing “Exponential decrease in DNA sequencing costs and increase in data storage needs.”
    • Section 14.2: Obtaining the Sequence of a Genome, there is a new section on “Third-generation sequencing,” with a new Figure 14-11 called PacBio HiFi DNA sequencing.
    • Section 14.5: The Comparative Genomics of Humans with Other Species, Box 14-1 on “Direct-to-Consumer Genetics Testing” has been updated, and there is a new subsection on “Cancer Genomics.”
    • Section 14.7: Functional Genomics, updated information on third-generation RNA-seq and ChIP-seq techniques has been added.
    • There is a new solved problem on the subtypes of breast cancer.
    • Section 19.5: Association Mapping in Random-Mating Populations, there is new text under “GWA, genes, disease, and heritability that updates the study of the genetics of human height variation.
Special Topics in Genetics: The Genetic Architecture of Cancer
  • This new separate section pulls together all of the places in the text that cover the genetics of cancer and provides an overview of the diseases that make up cancer. Subsections include “Cancer Is a Genetic Disease,” “Cancer Is a Developmental Disease,” and “Cancer Is a Genomic Disease.”
Special Topics in Genetics: SARS-CoV-19
  • This new separate section discusses the genetics of SARS-CoV-19, the virus that causes COVID-19. Subsections include “Overview of SARS-CoV-19 and Other Coronaviruses,” “Structure of Coronaviruses,” “Life Cycle of SAR-CoV-19,” “Genome Replication, Capping, and Polyadenylation,” “Transcription,” “Translation,” “Evolution of SARS-CoV-19,” “Detection of SARS-CoV-19,” and “SARS-CoV-19 Vaccines.”

The evolution of a classic

The 12th edition of Introduction to Genetic Analysistakes this cornerstone textbook to the next level. The hallmark focuses on genetic analysis, quantitative problem solving, and experimentation continue in this new edition while incorporating robust updates to the science.

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Test Bank for Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Digital Update

Anthony Griffiths; John Doebley; Catherine Peichel; David A. Wassarman | Twelfth Edition | ©2025 | ISBN:9781319525415




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