Cover: Rafael L. Trujillo: Dictatorship and U.S. - Dominican Relations, 1904-1961, 1st Edition by Luis Martinez-Fernandez

Rafael L. Trujillo: Dictatorship and U.S. - Dominican Relations, 1904-1961

First Edition  ©2022 Luis Martinez-Fernandez Formats: E-book


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    Established in 1981, Bedford/St. Martin’s is the largest college publisher of textbooks for English composition courses. They publish best-selling textbooks like A Writer’s Reference, The St. Martin’s Guide to College Writing, and Patterns for College Writing.

  • Headshot of Luis Martinez-Fernandez

    Luis Martinez-Fernandez

Table of Contents

Central Question

Learning Objective

Historical Background



Rafael L. Trujillo, Letter to the Commander of the Dominican National Guard, 1918

Two Testimonies from Survivors of the 1937 Massacre of Haitians

Collection and Application of Custom Revenues (also known as the Trujillo-Hull Treaty), 1940

Joaquín Balaguer, "God and Trujillo: A Realistic Interpretation of Dominican History," 1955

Law 4280, Penalizing the Falsification of Historical Truth, 1955

Metal Door Plaque of Trujillo, 1955

Telegram from the U.S. Consulate General in the Dominican Republic to the U.S. Department of State, 1961

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Curated Course Material for Single Class Periods!

This document collection offers insights into the rise and fall of Rafael L. Trujillo, who was perhaps the cruelest dictator in the history of Latin America. Students will also gain an understanding of the evolution and effectiveness of the United States foreign policy initiatives in Latin America as they applied to the Dominican Republic. Students will engage with a wide range of primary sources, constructing an argument based on the central question: How did changes in U.S.-Dominican relations relate to Rafael L. Trujillos rise to power, dictatorship, and demise in the Dominican Republic from 1904 to 1961? 


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