Cover: The Decision to Intern the Japanese Americans during World War II-U.S., 1st Edition by Abbie Grubb

The Decision to Intern the Japanese Americans during World War II-U.S.

First Edition  ©2018 Abbie Grubb Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Abbie Grubb

    Abbie Grubb

Table of Contents

Central Question
Learning Objective
Historical Background 
Primary Sources             
Curtis B. Munson, “Japanese on the West Coast” (government report), November 1941        
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9066, February 19, 1942  
Dr. Seuss, “Waiting for the Signal from Home” (cartoon), PM Magazine, February 13, 1942     
Justices Robert Jackson, and Hugo Black, Dissent in Korematsu v. United States, December 18, 1944         
Project Questions
Additional Assignments
Additional Resources for Research    

Product Updates

This document collection will help students craft skills of historical analysis, critical thinking, and comparison that will allow them to weigh in on the debate of whether the decision to intern more than 110,000 Japanese Americans was motivated by true military necessity or racial prejudice. The collections sources will provide students with the historical context of the Japanese American experience, while raising questions relevant to the modern American experience. Students are guided through their analysis of the primary sources with an author-provided learning objective, central question, and historical context.


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