Cover: The U.S. War with Mexico: Imperialism on the Borderlands, 1st Edition by Grace Delgado

The U.S. War with Mexico: Imperialism on the Borderlands

First Edition  ©2021 Grace Delgado Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Grace Delgado

    Grace Delgado

    Grace Delgado is a history professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Table of Contents

Central Question

Learning Objective

Historical Background



Mexican Government’s General Law of Colonization, 1824

Manuel Mier y Terán, Letter to War Department, 1829

George Catlin, Comanche Meeting the Dragoons, 1834-1835

John O’Sullivan, "Annexation," 1845

James K. Polk’s War Message to Congress, 1846

Pio Pico to the People of California, 1846

Juan Nepomuceno Seguín, Personal Memoirs, 1858

Project Questions

Additional Assignments

Additional Resources for Research

Product Updates

Curated Course Material for Single Class Periods!

This document collection looks at the decades leading up to the U.S. war with Mexico from multiple perspectives.  Students will engage with a wide range of primary sources, constructing an argument based on the central question: What does the contest for lands at the U.S. border with Mexico reveal about America’s imperialist ambitions?

Students are guided in their analyses of the documents by a learning objective, central question, historical background, source headnotes, source questions, project questions and suggestions for further research. By analyzing texts and images with such different perspectives, students will gain an understanding of how historians interpret, assess, and contextualize primary sources.  This unit will also add to students’ understanding of the present in a historically based context.



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